If you have ever played crucible, you know what it is to be "lol, titan'd". That moment when you feel invincible, mowing down countless ranks of pvp noobs when suddenly who turns the corner and shits all over your day? Your greatest nightmare: the Titan.
[b]So you think you have the damagez? [/b]
[quote]-lol, fist of havoc near invincibility scrub
-Juggernaut shield sprint >> shotgun to face >> t-bag
-What is Ward of Dawn? Get #rekt Trebek.
-Flashbang, why you last so long? :([/quote]
[b]Who needs guns when you have:[/b]
[quote]-shoulder charge
-fist of havoc
-long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect (I mean seriously, the pulse grenade is the exact same thing as the hunters arcbolt grenade except it lasts 10 times longer)[/quote]
[b]So you think you are safe? (from FoH)[/b]
[quote]-max jump height? fist of havoc
-in another dimension mid blink? fist of havoc
-one story above/below the titan? fist of havoc
-near a titan? fist of -blam!-ing havoc
-you have enough damage to kill the titan mid FoH animation? too bad he wont do the animation this time #fixFoH
-somehow manage to kill the titan mid FoH? too bad he still has fist of havoc
-cowering in a corner across the map? FIST OF HAVOC
-titan somehow whiffs FoH? lol, not with that aoe range
-you get the drop on the titan? LOL PANIC FIST OF GET SALTY SCRUB
-titan doesnt have FoH up? lol 1 hit shoulder charge that can be used every 2 seconds.
-titan is using defender? (see next section)[/quote]
[b]Get your "Ward of Dawn" today, now with:[/b]
[quote]-the latest in panic bubbling technology
-30 seconds of dance where-ever you want fun time
-1 free salvage capture
-1000 rounds of wasted ammunition as your enemies try to destroy it
-buy one get one free on wasted hunter specials
-free t-baggable corpses as morons try to get you out of the bubble with: shotguns! suicide rockets! blade dances! AND MORE![/quote]
In conclusion, titans are ridiculously op in PVP because of their incredibly strong, practically uncounterable abilities. Serious balancing needs to be implemented. Possible balances for:
[b]FoH[/b]: reduced aoe size, reduced damage resistance during animation, increased animation time, actually losing your special if you die mid animation (just like hunters and sunslinger). FIX THE NO ANIMATION BUG
[b]WoD:[/b] less duration, less damage to destroy it, longer personal overshield refresh time or less damage resistance (depending on the spec), longer animation
[b]Shoulder charge:[/b] not an ohko, an actual cooldown (maybe tie it into storm fist)
[b]Juggernaut:[/b] a slight delay between stopping sprinting and being able to shoot/melee
[b]Grenades:[/b] less range or duration
Until this problem is fixed, please help raise awareness of this issue by joining the "Titan Cancer Foundation"
In my opinion ward of dawn should absorb a super not be destroyed by it as well as everyone in it, especially if they are taking reduced damage inside it.
Titan isn't my class but it's fine the way it is
To me titans are the weakest of all of the PVP classes ......
Dude Titans arent OP if they were everone would use them, just like everyone uses Bladedancer or Sunsinger.
Why not post this in the HELP section. As in "bungie, help! I'm a whinging whining piece of crap and need to learn how to contribute to this community"
Wheres the poll option that says "quit crying"? because i would vote for that
Edited by Jove the Bull: 10/27/2014 1:40:02 AMIf titans were over powered they'd be a lot more popular. As it stands, there are very very few titans (comparatively) high on the destiny tracker leaderboards. According to destiny tracker, hunters average over twice as many kills as titans with their super. Why? Because golden gun and blade dancer in the right hands are some of the most dominant abilities in the crucible. Gold gun vs bubble gold gun wins. 2 shots pop the bubble and one left for the titan. How is that even fair? If you see a hunter activate gold gun you either run or you die. I realize that there is a good chance that this forum post was just meant to troll people, but the stats do not lie. As I am typing this the top 20 players on the combined leaderboards for crucible players consists of only 2 titans. One in fifth place and one in 7th. When a statistic like that is skewed so heavily in one direction, I'm inclined to believe there is a reason.
I hate polls that are obviously biased. If you want an honest opinion, then don't label the options this way Also you're a pus$y who doesn't know how to kill titans. Quit posing on the forums, and go back to watching the Dora the explorer you tool.
i love how only hunters complain about titan, here a tip level a titan and try everything you just point out you'll be so salty you''ll rage quit you're console out the nearest window. just because you suck at killing titans doesn't mean were OP were far from it -[b]shoulder charge[/b](gotta charge it and when its charge most of the time runs out right as you find someone and you die, or you're about get someone and bam shotgun to the face and you're dead) -[b]fist of havoc[/b](99% of the time 1KILL sometimes 2KILLS and in a blue moon 3KILLS or more also over half the time i get killed before i can get FOH out, now bringing up other supers like arc blade which can get 3-4KILLS every time and golden gun which can pull 3-4kills every time. now with warlock supers Nova Bomb is the most OP super Ive seem, No matter what i do it always kills me. not to mention its perk to break into three smaller bombs is the perfect way to break WOD and kill everyone inside. so your point of FOH being OP is Invalid.) -[b]long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect[/b]( this one is pretty simple don't go into the AOE, not to mention Axion Bolt,Swarm Grenade,Skip Grenade all seek their targets. Do Titans got a grenade that's seeks and does all the work NO.) [b]Ward of Dawn[/b](compared to all the other supers its the worse super ever made, every super except sun-singer can easily take the bubble down and kill everyone inside.) i don't care if i get hate for this post because its the truth, i just love how everyone that says were OP has not even played a Titan or felt our pain, yeah we look good on paper but that doesn't help us at the end of the day.
Wrong forum. Please address this in the feedback section.
I hope this is a troll but with the effort put in I'm nearly certain it is not.
Their the weakest pvp class. I really don't know why your complaining about the only class without blink
Edited by AlmostUseful: 10/26/2014 7:04:54 PMMy only beef with Titans is when I'm flying 50 feet up in the air and FoH still somehow kills me from down on the ground. Seriously, Nova Bomb doesn't even have that kind of range plus it's easier to kill a Lock mid Nova.
Edited by Trando: 10/26/2014 7:40:13 PMPvE and PvP stats need to be independent of each other Edit: because people keep treating this game as the next big competitive multiplayer extravaganza. [spoiler]it's not[/spoiler] The PvP community is ruining this game for the PvE players. I'm both, y'all need to play more MMORPG's and realize that power is balance in PvP, and things are going to piss you off. Get used to it
Remember Titans are the badasses who built the first walls of the city so they are more than capable of being major badasses after the overlords measly attempts to stomp them into the nerf turf. [spoiler]Also they can destroy walls just as well as they can make them.[/spoiler] [spoiler]WALL MARIA HAS FALLEN! REPEAT WALL MARIA HAS FALLEN TO THE [i]TITANS!![/i][/spoiler]
Hang on while I call the WAAAAAAAmbulance, Lets just get rid of guns and powers and have marshmallow wars
You're a baby
If they fix it you'll get mad at Bungie for merging stuff sooooo, nah
Let's just nerf everything so every class is the exact same. Nova Bomb now takes 30 seconds to cast. Radiance now lasts for 50 milliseconds. Arc Blades movement speed is now 99% slower. Golden Gun has a 1 foot range and only has one shot. FoH takes 1 hour to charge the super up. Ward of Dawn now has 10 Hp. That's my solution to the problem, now no class can outshine any other class.
Edited by Near: 10/26/2014 7:54:48 PMnot to sound rude but in the games i have played in crucible,titans just showed me they are complete morons,idiot cod kids u name it , who dafuq uses their super in 1v1 situatios? u serious? ok there are warlocks and hunters who do that 2 time to time but not so much compared to titans,its like they are to chicken and cant accept they got outplayed so they just waste their super to kill 1 guy smh,not to mention they run around with shield and shotgun loool
Edited by Invidia: 10/26/2014 11:59:24 PMThe fact I can't 1 shot a Titan mid-FoH with Golden Gun, but they can barely clip me with FoH and its OHKO, disgusts me.
This is all a joke. Ward of dawn isn't over powered at all. Just nova bomb that bitch. As for all the other stuff so what? I can pretty much cross map pimp smack someone with my warlocks melee range. Shoulder charge isn't bad same with the nades. If you aren't running around with your head up your arse It's not hard to kill any of the other classes.
Edited by gknight337: 10/27/2014 12:40:09 AM1 Titan out of ever 10 warlocks and hunters. Let's screw em over you say? I hope you choke to death and your mother commits suicide.
I said no even though I'm a hunter
You play a Hunter and a Warlock. Why are you letting them get in on you? Seriously. I'm bad a PvP and even I know never to get into a CQC fight with a Titan. C'mon dude...
Yea nerf every class until nobody can kill each other!