If you have ever played crucible, you know what it is to be "lol, titan'd". That moment when you feel invincible, mowing down countless ranks of pvp noobs when suddenly who turns the corner and shits all over your day? Your greatest nightmare: the Titan.
[b]So you think you have the damagez? [/b]
[quote]-lol, fist of havoc near invincibility scrub
-Juggernaut shield sprint >> shotgun to face >> t-bag
-What is Ward of Dawn? Get #rekt Trebek.
-Flashbang, why you last so long? :([/quote]
[b]Who needs guns when you have:[/b]
[quote]-shoulder charge
-fist of havoc
-long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect (I mean seriously, the pulse grenade is the exact same thing as the hunters arcbolt grenade except it lasts 10 times longer)[/quote]
[b]So you think you are safe? (from FoH)[/b]
[quote]-max jump height? fist of havoc
-in another dimension mid blink? fist of havoc
-one story above/below the titan? fist of havoc
-near a titan? fist of -blam!-ing havoc
-you have enough damage to kill the titan mid FoH animation? too bad he wont do the animation this time #fixFoH
-somehow manage to kill the titan mid FoH? too bad he still has fist of havoc
-cowering in a corner across the map? FIST OF HAVOC
-titan somehow whiffs FoH? lol, not with that aoe range
-you get the drop on the titan? LOL PANIC FIST OF GET SALTY SCRUB
-titan doesnt have FoH up? lol 1 hit shoulder charge that can be used every 2 seconds.
-titan is using defender? (see next section)[/quote]
[b]Get your "Ward of Dawn" today, now with:[/b]
[quote]-the latest in panic bubbling technology
-30 seconds of dance where-ever you want fun time
-1 free salvage capture
-1000 rounds of wasted ammunition as your enemies try to destroy it
-buy one get one free on wasted hunter specials
-free t-baggable corpses as morons try to get you out of the bubble with: shotguns! suicide rockets! blade dances! AND MORE![/quote]
In conclusion, titans are ridiculously op in PVP because of their incredibly strong, practically uncounterable abilities. Serious balancing needs to be implemented. Possible balances for:
[b]FoH[/b]: reduced aoe size, reduced damage resistance during animation, increased animation time, actually losing your special if you die mid animation (just like hunters and sunslinger). FIX THE NO ANIMATION BUG
[b]WoD:[/b] less duration, less damage to destroy it, longer personal overshield refresh time or less damage resistance (depending on the spec), longer animation
[b]Shoulder charge:[/b] not an ohko, an actual cooldown (maybe tie it into storm fist)
[b]Juggernaut:[/b] a slight delay between stopping sprinting and being able to shoot/melee
[b]Grenades:[/b] less range or duration
Until this problem is fixed, please help raise awareness of this issue by joining the "Titan Cancer Foundation"
Yes, nerf the already almost useless WoD. Every single super with the exception of the Sunsinger counters WoD.
Your a -blam!-ing idiot
One bullet stops the shoulder charge.
They should give you a radar so you can see when someone is rushing at you.
Anybody who makes a poll and shows clear bias in the naming of the options should be hit with an aluminum bat.
People calling for nerfs at the moment should be repeatedly beaten with a bat.
So your mad because a Titan stopped your kill streak. Lmao. And you scream nerf. Wow.
Uh you know the Nova Bomb can wipe out the bubble right..and everyone inside it
yeah I agree! Since Titans are the only people with supers... [spoiler]oh wait :/[/spoiler]
I find the fact that people complain about the Titans being OP to be hilarious.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Seriously that was -blam!-ing hilarious
Haha your tears.....mmmmm. But seriously, shut up. Idiot
Ward of Dawn Solution, from a Titan: Grenade. Stand just outside the Ward, start throwing your grenade as you step in. Learn to time it. Use a grenade that doesn't bounce. You'll throw the grenade AS you step into the barrier, dropping it onto the floor IMMEDIATELY upon entering the bubble. Even if you get blinded, or shot gunned, or beat down, etc., you STILL kill him and INSTA pop that bubble. It's hilarious.
I don't want anything nerfed, I just want a damn playlist that doesn't have any supers. Why wasn't that implemented in the first place?
Nerf,nerf,nerf shut the -blam!- up and quit your bitching
Guy with 2 hunters & doesn't even have a Titan says the Titan should be nerfed? GTFO... If anything the Hunter should be nerfed.
I just wish my melee did as much as titan shoulder. Other than that its just like the lock with its Super Trump Card
The butthurt is real
Lmfao! The butthurt is strong in this one.
Yeah because...you know blade dancers and warlocks dont have any specials to. (Sarcasm)
The panic button "oh -blam!- you've beat me jkjk super" Titan super is annoying, but I don't want anybody's class to be nerfed because it's a game and it's not that big of a deal And I wouldn't want them to nerf bladedancers.
The struggle is real with this one.. Titan smash your $h1t up
I really just want to punch you after reading this Force barrier activated
I think this guy must a bit butthurt after being bent over and fisted too many times.
Shoulder charges are great if you can run unseen but mostly you get shot before you get to your target. All you have to do to beat fist of havoc is to jump up, jump back or walk up a couple of steps. The grenade is next to useless unless some nutter walks into the big bolts of lightning in front of them. All classes have their benefits and weaknesses, if I look at the winner at the end of most pvp matches I usually see a hunter not a titan. Maybe they should have a crucible setting with no abilities and everyone has the same guns then no one can moan......imo it will be a pretty bland though.
You must have been f*cked by a titan... No but really they're fine.