If you have ever played crucible, you know what it is to be "lol, titan'd". That moment when you feel invincible, mowing down countless ranks of pvp noobs when suddenly who turns the corner and shits all over your day? Your greatest nightmare: the Titan.
[b]So you think you have the damagez? [/b]
[quote]-lol, fist of havoc near invincibility scrub
-Juggernaut shield sprint >> shotgun to face >> t-bag
-What is Ward of Dawn? Get #rekt Trebek.
-Flashbang, why you last so long? :([/quote]
[b]Who needs guns when you have:[/b]
[quote]-shoulder charge
-fist of havoc
-long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect (I mean seriously, the pulse grenade is the exact same thing as the hunters arcbolt grenade except it lasts 10 times longer)[/quote]
[b]So you think you are safe? (from FoH)[/b]
[quote]-max jump height? fist of havoc
-in another dimension mid blink? fist of havoc
-one story above/below the titan? fist of havoc
-near a titan? fist of -blam!-ing havoc
-you have enough damage to kill the titan mid FoH animation? too bad he wont do the animation this time #fixFoH
-somehow manage to kill the titan mid FoH? too bad he still has fist of havoc
-cowering in a corner across the map? FIST OF HAVOC
-titan somehow whiffs FoH? lol, not with that aoe range
-you get the drop on the titan? LOL PANIC FIST OF GET SALTY SCRUB
-titan doesnt have FoH up? lol 1 hit shoulder charge that can be used every 2 seconds.
-titan is using defender? (see next section)[/quote]
[b]Get your "Ward of Dawn" today, now with:[/b]
[quote]-the latest in panic bubbling technology
-30 seconds of dance where-ever you want fun time
-1 free salvage capture
-1000 rounds of wasted ammunition as your enemies try to destroy it
-buy one get one free on wasted hunter specials
-free t-baggable corpses as morons try to get you out of the bubble with: shotguns! suicide rockets! blade dances! AND MORE![/quote]
In conclusion, titans are ridiculously op in PVP because of their incredibly strong, practically uncounterable abilities. Serious balancing needs to be implemented. Possible balances for:
[b]FoH[/b]: reduced aoe size, reduced damage resistance during animation, increased animation time, actually losing your special if you die mid animation (just like hunters and sunslinger). FIX THE NO ANIMATION BUG
[b]WoD:[/b] less duration, less damage to destroy it, longer personal overshield refresh time or less damage resistance (depending on the spec), longer animation
[b]Shoulder charge:[/b] not an ohko, an actual cooldown (maybe tie it into storm fist)
[b]Juggernaut:[/b] a slight delay between stopping sprinting and being able to shoot/melee
[b]Grenades:[/b] less range or duration
Until this problem is fixed, please help raise awareness of this issue by joining the "Titan Cancer Foundation"
If you die to shoulder charge, you deserve it. Oh wow you get killed by FoH? I guess I should cry when gg snipes me or void bomb explodes at my feet. The grenades argument could have been valid of you would have mentioned hunters only awesome grenade being the proximity one. This is just one big, wah I I got killed by *insert anything here* nerf it.
Titans are the worst pic for matchmaking lol wtf u guys sayin
Someone should beat you in the face with a nerd stick.
How exactly is Titan op? But Hunter isn't, when the Hunter doesn't even have to take any risk using his Supers.
the classes are actually pretty balanced. i know surprising right?
Another scrub
Or how about we ignore PvP? These changes you want will kill Titans for PvE
Please shut the -blam!- up. Oh no I got killed! Nerf it! Go play a CoD game. That or learn how to play.
Based on the forums lately, and everyone whining "nerf this, nerf that", I'm waiting for a pillow fight game type in the crucible, so they can all shut up and have their ticklefest.
You are a fool
There are so many flavors to be had, and you chose salty.
Maybe you should try crying to your mom. I can tell you right now. No one here cares. At all.
You lost all credibility when you mentioned the pulse grenade. It's a shit grenade.
Got 4 words for you brah: "git gud. you suck"
You're just shit.
op needs to take a trolling 101 class.
One post says Titans are the most OP, the next says Hunters, a third says warlocks. Face it, they are all OP. Which means no one is OP.
Nerf it all, NERF IT ALL! I can't be good at this game by being better at shooting, timing my reloads, waiting for shields to recharge, situational awareness or skill in any regard so NERF IT ALL! I MUST BE KING WITHOUT WORKING!
You are such a whiney little bitch. I'm not even trolling right now. It is just an actual fact that you are a [i]Whiney little bitch.[/i]
Lol you just suck
As the only real defending subclass, it's SUPPOSED to be an impenetrable fortress! It's supposed to be hard to break! If it didn't last as long people would just camp for a few seconds then kill you (not much defending eh?) and less damage resistance? Then people would walk in without strategy or anything kill us and walk off! Longer animation? Seriously? Everyone hates when they are about to use their supers and they get killed during the animation. If it took less damage to destroy it? Then it would just be like a small shield that protects you for two seconds!! Again not much DEFENDING! Longer personal over-shield refresh? That is depending on a spec , and with mine it isn't constant so If I get my over-shield down I have to walk out then walk back in... Leaving me partially vulnerable. These are the reasons Bungie will not nerf WoD Now notice the point of the DEFENDER TITAN is to I don't know... Maybe... DEFEND?
A hunter crying about titans, this is comedy gold.
"The thing that kills me is OP" Two weeks ago it was hunters with blade dancer, now titans, next warlocks... I am so sick of people getting killed in pvp and then having a cry. Yeh, my primary is a Titan... Cry all you like, Bungie looks at the stats and adjusts accordingly. Just because you get mashed by titans does not make them OP. When I was playing in the crucible during iron banner it seemed like I was in the minority being a Titan...teams were almost always made up of hunters with a smattering of warlocks. Has it changed?
All classes are OP.
What are you talking about, clearly hunter is OP. /s
Play a titan before you make assumptions. Play a hunter before you make assumptions. Play a warlock before you make assumptions. Just because you get your ass kicked up and down the planet doesn't mean someone is OP. It just means they know where their class is good. EVERY class has their strengths and weaknesses. Don't get close to a titan and watch them fight you just like anybody else. If you get close to a practically melee only class you deserve to die. Or at least have a freakin' shotgun ready. Do you know how many times I've died to a shotgun using shoulder charge? This is why you need to PLAY the class. Not CRY about it. And before you take this advice and go get scrubbed up and down the floors by their guns, try the gun before you cry nerf. Some people are just better with certain guns than others.