You're using one of the most controversially OP subclasses in the game, and you're asking to nerf more classes
Titan has the worst pvp grenades of all 3 classes, and arcbolt grenade is 10x better than pulse grenade. there is a world of difference between the 2. Arcbolt placed properly can chain an entire teams shields down around a corner in skirmish allowing you to pick them all off. Pulse grenade will not do this nearly as effectively - it's used for crowd control. Shoulder charge is not that OP, pay attention to your radar and just shoot them - they get no damage resistance and you shouldn't be charging around corners anyways.
FoH is a super. It is doing what it is intended to do.
WoD is a super. It's not that hard to kill them while they are in their shield you are a blade dancer - this should be as easy for you as it is for me. Nerfing WoD will just make that class even more worse than striker than it already is.
QQ more - everybody wants every class nerfed - that just means they are all OP. All classes are OP, if we nerf them the game is going to be watered down into the ground.
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