Looking for a fireteam to do VoG with. I'm available all weekend.
Xbox One
Level 26 (almost 27) Titan
Yes, I use a mic
Gamertag: Jephaaa
LVL 27 hunter w/ mic Have nothing but time. XBONE
26 warlock XxbalthazahrxX add if u need
I'm in!! Gt Spazb1te
Looking for 5 to run the final stage
Were l9okong to start asap we have 2 here
Still need people?
Gamer tag: its trash day Lvl. 27 warlock w/ mic.
Looking For One lvl 29 For Normal VoG run And Then Final boss hardmode. Do not suck ass.. Add my gamertag : wPix
VoG now, we're on the last boss and lost a man, want to join?