Although we have already seen it on Halo, I stand by one hit assassinations in the PvP and PvE of Destiny. Seeing as how its been in games since Halo I go crazy when I melee an enemy from behind and they in return turn around with their shotgun to end my life.
[b]Warlock[/b] It was hard to think of an idea for this class but I came up with something that I thought to be quite neat. Upon sneaking up on your victim, the Warlock would rip the enemy down backwards, reeling them to the ground only to be met with a Solar Palm blast to the face.
[b]Hunter[/b] Although un-original, the knife was the first that popped into thought. It would be foolish not to implement such a precise weapon for a smooth assassination. Upon sneaking up on their victim, the Hunter would wrap one arm around the victims neck or head and then thrust their knife either into the sternum, back of the neck, or the spine.
Another one that I thought to be a very cool potential assassination is instead of the knife death, the Hunter would use their Golden Gun and shoot a ray of beautiful light through the back of the victim, piercing through to the other side and incinerating the enemy.
[b]Titan[/b] The Titan, although easy to think of, was very cool to run through my head. Upon sneaking behind the victim, the Titan would thrust his knee into the spine of the victim causing paralyses. After the victim falls to the ground, the Titan would finish them off with a foot to either the Head, sternum, and / or neck.
These just popped into my head while I sit here at work but i thought it was absolutely necessary to throw the idea out there.
Anyways, let me know what you guys think and criticism is of course always welcomed.
Im just a player
Good ideas man I didnt realize this game was M rated! oh wait *sarcasm*