Note how none of those things are topics on the front page. And your most recent posts are in threads about Tupac and milkshakes...
Also, animal farming is one of the major causes for world hunger. Most of the world's crops are fed to livestock.
So kill all the animals. Once more the ironic logic in all you "save the animals!" freaks' view. Anyways, I'm saying that this is something that people waste time debating constantly over(1000+ posts, one thread). All I'm saying is why waste time worrying about what I eat? How about you worry about bigger problems. I'm not worried about milkshakes or Tupac.
Edited by Pendulate: 10/4/2014 5:01:17 AMHow did you come to think the vegan argument is "kill all the animals"? It is, quite on the contrary, "[b]stop[/b] killing the animals". Although I suppose you can distort this claim to prop up a straw man if you wish. Also, I don't appreciate the offhand "freak" insult. If you have confidence in the substance of your argument, you shouldn't need to resort to such childish tactics. As I said, animal farming is a major cause of world hunger. It also contributes an enormous amount of greenhouse gases. Info below. This is not a minor problem at all, and it is dishonest to simply reduce it to "what you eat".
Actually, by your statement of "most of the crops go to the animals", I could assume you mean stop feeding the animals, thus killing them.
Again, propping up a straw man. The solution is to stop [i]breeding[/i] animals, so they effectively cease being killed. Of course, there are millions of animals that currently reside in farms, and I am not advocating releasing them into the wild. This is a messy situation that will be messy to clean up. But it is inarguably better than letting the mess continue. I provided plenty of informative links in my edit above.