Destiny could use a few simple things to bring it back to life, here's a few things it should implement. I will be adding to this as I go! Some is community inspired, others just my whacky mind! Embrace the Light guardians!
[b]Update 4:[/b] [i]Changes and additions![/i]
[b]Resource Trading:[/b] Trading of resources or uncommon materials for other resources or glimmer. No trading of rares, legendaries, or exotics.
[b]A barber:[/b] Customization keeps people playing! Change hair, markings, etc.. Maybe even skin colors.
[b]Zone Maps:[/b] Why in blams name is there no darn zone maps? I like the tower map but I don't think I need it anymore to find my way, but I'd love one for those times on Mars..
[b]Flashlights:[/b] I want to deploy my ghost anywhere I am to bring the light, I'm a light bearer ain't I? Let us shine our light anywhere!
[b]Quick Travel:[/b] Why in who's name do I go to orbit to fly from The Tower to Cosmodrone if they are both on the same planet? Loading screens are beautiful and obviously important to create the universe we were given, but going to orbit only to travel back down to the planet you just came from is silly.
[b]World Bosses:[/b] On each planet, one boss, it spawns, we all go in and blam stuff up. Why not make us guardians unite without a choice? Force us to be even more social and team up against a world event!
[b]Public Chat:[/b] Oh dear Traveler please make us talk to one another at The Tower, even if it's an option to enable. The constant pointing at me and dancing has made me very skeptical of the new generation of guardians. How could we keep civilized behavior and public chat balanced? Proximity! Allow certain locations in the tower to have access to public chat, for example the bar; or iron banner court yard?
[b]Level 30 Heroic:[/b] Err, well.. For those at 30 or about to hit 30 they're going to want to kick some level 30 blam other than the VoG. Increase the heroic options to allow a Level 30 difficulty.
[b]Mounts:[/b] So many birds, sparrows, birds, sparrows.. We need new. I hear enough sparrows in the morning before work, I'd like to see something fresh on Destiny. Hoverboards? Etc?
[b]Pets:[/b] What's a great idea to make the hoarders more hoardful? Pets! Collect, collect, collect. Don't get in the way of my miniature Vex Hobgoblin.
[b]Weather:[/b] Please for the love of blam explain to us all how the snow makes in to the ground on earth, how the lush jungles of Venus are.. Iush, and Mars.. Well that's already a desert.
[b]Private Matches:[/b] I would sometimes LOVE to play patrol or a game of crucible with just my friends, not that I don't like seeing other guardians.. But sometimes some privacy wouldn't be a problem.
[b]Random Story Playlist:[/b] Why not a campaign play list? Simple rewards.. Maybe just an engram. But hey! I wouldn't mind doing some random missions with a heroic difficulty and a bunch of other bad ass guardians.
[b]Space Combat/Ship Use:[/b] Love that ship you found in a chest? Did the shipwright sell you the perfect set of wings? Well that's dandy, but guess what? I want to actually fly it! Adding some in-game flying features would make "space" feel a lot more like, space. Travel to an Asteroid belt to fight Fallen/Hive/Vex/Cabal ships from traveling to earth and posing a threat against The Traveler. Daily heroics for space fights, and maybe even something as simple as checkpoint races? Space is infinite.. technically? So let the infinite ideas fly around..
[b]Survival Mode:[/b] We've seen it once, no twice.. maybe three times? Alright.. we've seen it a lot! However not in Destiny. Many popular shooters have featured some sort of survival mode, be it the famous N Zombies, Horde, Firefight, Etc. I'd love to fight endless rounds of The Darkness. Incorporate Rewards based off of the level reached, something simple like Engrams or some Shards/Energys.
[b]UI Changes:[/b] As a popular request on your forums it only felt right to add this in! Some UI changes should be met, things such as having the ability to turn the crosshairs for aiming, being able to hide the entire UI, having the ability to increase/decrease certain sounds (ambient, master, voice, effects, etc).
[b]Elemental Crafting:[/b] Damn shield is solar, do I have any solar? Oops only brought my void! Well how about we change that, let's add some elemental craftsmanship! This is more of a complicated suggestion, being it would have to still allow balance to the game. Certain weapons only, no Exotics; only rares/legendarys that do not have any elemental effect. How would one add Solar/Void/Arc to a weapon? New materials in-game! Something a long the lines of "Lightning Rods" for arc, "Solar Panels" for Solar, "Dark Essence" for void. Obviously it would be more than that, it would have to require Energy as well!
[b]Faction Currency Changes:[/b] It seems many PvE players are upset their factions require Crucible marks for gear, but they can farm rep in PvE. Well, honestly I wonder the same thing! Factions should be mutual with PvE and PvP. Being heavily PvE orientated I haven't ranked my FWC up much, because I don't really need the gear; but I also don't like doing the Crucible. Why not make the factions take Crucible marks OR vanguard marks.
[b]Raid Marks: [/b] Ran the raid 3 times? 5 times? 7 times? every week on 3 characters? Still don't have the piece you need? Well worry no more! Raid marks would fix this issue. Each boss in the raid would drop 1 raid mark that would evidently go towards the piece of raid gear you want. A chest would cost 8, a helmet would cost 6, boots and arms would cost 4. It may take a lot of raiding to get enough marks, but at least after 22 boss kills you would have earned your set. You should earn it after 22 kills anyway, right?
[b]In-Game News:[/b] Some players (not myself, obviously) do not go onto the forums or website to read the patch notes or Destiny News, so why not bring them in-game? In the menu section or a part of the tower it wouldn't hurt to add the website news feed to a bulletin that can be accessed by players to check what's happening. Messages do pop up while traveling for events, but sometimes they are easily clicked away. A good way to also implement this while keeping immersion is a console app that can be accessed while playing the game (if on next-gen).
[b]Matchmaking Enhancements: [/b]Matchmaking has always been your strong point Bungie, but I feel a sense of confusion with Destiny. It's normal though, this is a new type of game for you to work with! Why not add matchmaking to the Weekly and Nightfall strikes, they can be done with randoms quite easily (from my experience). The raid however, should be left out. It is clearly designed to create teams that'll stick together, learn one-another, and become real friends.
[b]Patrol Enhancements:[/b] The factions need our help guardians! But.. we need their help too.. a bit more than what they offer. Patrol missions are very effective for Bounties and Rep grinding, but for those that already have a high rep, or do not need bounties why should they patrol? Well let's fix that! Patrol missions should also reward local materials. Cosmodrone would yield Spin Metal, The Moon would yield helium, Venus would yield Spirit Bloom, and mars.. well you get the idea. If this were the case, I'd be patrolling all day!
[b]Tower Protection:[/b] Home of the Guardians, The Wall of Light, the watcher over The Traveler.. Yet, so peaceful? Why aren't those pesky Fallen over in old Russia trying to get their filthy hands on The Traveler? Incorporate some protection missions focusing around the Tower and The Traveler. Enemies would breach the Twilight Gap prompting all willing guardians to be taken to a Twilight Gap battlefield to fight the enemy off and keep them from The Traveler.
[b]Hot Keys:[/b] This idea is to allow the directional pad buttons to be used for Ammo Synthesis and other Consumables. It would be a lot easier than having to go into the character screen during a fight. You would have to hold down on the button to use the consumable, keeping emotes still there!
[b]In-Game Clan Support: [/b] I just tackled the latest raid and I want everyone to know who I represent.. too bad they'll never know without digging through the website for my name. Well, let's change that! Allow a UI option to have your clan name show under your name while roaming around, and even add an option to view a clan's roaster; linked directly to the website. This shouldn't be network heavy, as it's just an information relay. You could see which clan members are online and even invite only them to your fireteam.
[b]Wildlife:[/b] Guardian! On your journeys through the Galaxies don't forget to take a step back and enjoy the beautiful scenery of each and every planet, except mars. Make sure to stop at the wildlife exhibits and... oh wait, wildlife? I forgot, all these planets have no wildlife, they are completely barren but full of vegetation (except mars.. lol). How in the heck does the ecosystem even work? Maybe add in some wildlife, even if it's in the background!
[b]Numeric Health Meters:[/b] Many people have suggested a health count/health percentage for mobs/bosses. Something that seems easy to do. This could be turned on/off via a UI change option. We could learn certain fights that are health based with the implement of this feature.
[b]Damage Count:[/b] Incorporate who did the most damage output that match! Seems like something we can benefit from.
[b]Skipping Cutscenes[/b]: I've seen them once already, so why again? A simple option to incorporate a button to skip the cutscene if already seen once before on any character.
[b]Fireteam Enhancements:[/b] Fireteam needs 6 people for patrols!
Edited by Bizargh: 10/4/2014 7:40:49 PMI can already name a couple of things which for me would drastically improve Destiny's versatility & value for myself and others with similar interests: [b]Vid'making Friendly Features:[/b] Despite the fact Destiny is something of a new entity compared to Halo, the benefits to the players, the developers & the publishers of being able to create vids just like those from the Halo games remain the same, as they do for so many other games out there such as Battlefield, Borderlands, Call of Duty, Fallout, Minecraft, Quake, the Source games, The Sims, World of Warcraft, I could keep on going! Such simple to apply features as the ability to clean the HUD away in all states of play, manual access the ability to lower the players' weaponry when outside of Social Hubs (it already does so after 5mins+ of AFK time, which seems a very wasteful use), and a Free-Cam with removeable HUD when Dead (Granted, this would have to be a PVE feature as this could cause issues in the Crucible) would grant Bungie's more creative playerbase the ability to create some laughs, tell their own stories in the world of Destiny, or possibly utilise Destiny for some unprecedented creative visions. [b]Be Not Afraid to Tell Your Story in Your Game![/b]: Not exactly a small wish to make, but as someone who was quite captured by Destiny's initial promise of it's story & world, I was severely disappointed by what little-to-none I found, even with my modest-to-low expectation of wealth I had expected to find in the retail game release regardless of the amount of hype generated around Destiny. And any questions currently being answered in regards to Destiny's lore, background & current events have been told to me via friends whom have read the Grimoire cards. Was something such as whom the Awoken & Exo are, something the Create A Character menu could've explained briefly & adequately, deemed too substancial & uninteresting to most players to be shafted to an out-of-game source? You have Story Missions Bungie! I play them to have a story be told to me! Not to find little to nothing of the sort, be given a one-time reward and be told to cease playing your game to read about it elsewhere. So please Bungie, know that your players are infact interested in the story you have to tell, and be not afraid to tell it as you continue with Destiny. [b]Let Not the Crucible Mark be the Only Mark of Loyalty to the Factions:[/b] Even after my by-my-guess 100+ hours of gameplay, the cause & motivations of the New Monarchy, FWC & Dead Orbit remain unclear to me. But it matters not. I am willing to aid them in their need, and provide proof that I have done so to receive their generous rewards of new armour & weaponry. But must the Crucible Mark be the only proof I can provide? Why must I enter the harsh (and personally undesireable) battleground of the Crucible, when my service to these factions can be equally earned by performing tasks out beyond the Tower against the Darkness? Do my Vanguard Marks not satisfy you? Does the Rank of Loyalty you place upon me truly bring no worth without having partaken in the Crucible? Simply put, I feel the Factions shoud accept other forms of currency alongside Crucible Marks. If I can earn their ranks in the PVE environment, than shouldn't I be able to purchase their wares with currency earned in the PVE environment? Especially as I personally do not enjoy the Crucible at all, and not even the significant number of vendors demanding I enter the Crucible and earn it's Marks cannot persuade me otherwise. Perhaps the same could be said of the Vanguard Marks, as I'm sure there are those far more interested in the PVP environment of the Crucible than the PVE environment of the Strikes & Missions (which at this stage are understandably repetitive). I hope that the Factions can be swayed into accepting my Vanguard Marks or other currency sometime soon. [b]Let Us Soar Among the Stars:[/b] A common request by now, I'm sure, but with such a high Glimmer price and variety of models & textures, the ships serve so little purpose in return. Although not a feature I was expecting to be in Destiny upon initial release, the absense of taking control of my vessel is still something I hope comes to an end one day. You gave us our wings, Bungie. In the future ahead for Destiny, let us spread them & soar among the stars, and perhaps fight the Darkness that dares do so aswell! That's my offering of how to iterate upon Destiny's current state. I just hope that other voices speak the same words as I, and that Bungie hears them and considers implementing what they propose.