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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
10/4/2014 7:35:58 AM
Pretty sure you are with your horrible attitude

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  • I can understand your loyalty to a well known company. The fact is they -blam!-ed up. its just a terrible way how they sold a game into pieces buying making us buy more to find out more. I am still playing destiny it is fun. How long will this fun last? I dont know. not until they add more maps and missions not just Phogoth on higher difficulties. I still support Destiny I just hope their next title has no tolerance for just a descent game.

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  • I have beat everything the game has to offer. The nightfall and the raid on hard ...and still enjoy the game .Everyone makes the assumption that the game devs and pubs screwed you lol. How long have we been buying dlc ? Lol even indie games sell it now. Mario cart sells it and you buy it. WOW dlc and you pay a sub fee .Just cause something is on the disk and some disgruntled employee says something everyone is up in arms lol.

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  • you are ignorant as -blam!-. Do you have any idea how people in the game industry make money? By customers buying their product. If people want real change they should "boycott" destiny by not playing or sell their game. I spent my hard earned money on this game unlike you who daddy bought you the game. Whats wrong with the world today is you need to pay to live on a planet you were born on.

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  • Nah you're dumb you're making assumptions about me now. Its cool you're probably the child. If you're unhappy take the game back and get some of that hard earned money back lol

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  • last time I bought a dlc was mw2. That is cool. I now know you have no life because you beat the next nightfall and raid on hard. Holy shit bro so you want a cookie?

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  • Ha ha good for you buddy. The raid hard only takes 2 hours lol and the nightfall 30 mins. I now know you suck at the game and are a cheap -blam!- lol

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  • haha omg you so -blam!-ing cool. You still didnt answer my question. Now I know you are a weak minded -blam!-. Sits in his ass all day and only plays PVE. I would like to see your .5 kdr in the crucible. Pretty sure you couldnt solo the nightfall or raid of course. So I am assuming your bitch ass gets carried. All bark no bite. what a joke. Goes to show how much of an ignorant douche a true loyal fan of bungie is. SMH. If your happy with the game why do you need to convience others its good? should you be happy why bother telling people their wrong. Because you probably dont have any friends or friends with the same passion as you.

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  • You anger to easy lol you need to get a girl friend and get laid lol. I don't have to answer your question. It's funny how you keep making assumptions about me. Kinda funny and pathetic at the same time. Hope you grow out of your small minded and easy to anger ways buddy

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  • like I'm gunna believe your bitch ass gets pussy. The way you talk to me you sound like a virgin haha what a little bitch. Get a life bro. Hey but good for you for keeping faith in this game I appreciate that. But again being an ignorant virgin douche wont make this game any better since a good percentages of players are unhappy about this game. its called Facts. its cool to express your opinion and you have every right to

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