Like most people I'm finding it hard getting a group of 6 decent players together and nailing this raid, but rather than waiting in the Tower and messaging anyone above the Level 26 I thought my best bet would be to try the forums so here I am.
Now firstly I'd like to let you know what you're getting yourself into. I have had no experience with this raid, I've yet to even open the gate at the start, but that is mostly due to my FireTeam only consisting of 2 Warlocks and a Hunter at the time.
I've read and watched a number of online Walk-through and online tips videos which I will link the most helpful on the page so you too can do some research what what it is we will be doing.
If you want to give it a try please message me.
Im level 29 Send me a msg oAgent 47 ive done it many of times and il try my best to orginise a raid team to walk you though it a few times