Really can bungie please change the reward system in PvP so that no matter what losing or winning everyone gets a guaranteed 1 random reward and the 2nd can still be random as it is now. I don't expect to be showered with legendaries or exotics but when I do pretty decent or just doing a couple of games and I don't get a single reward in multiple games in a row it is pretty annoying.
Really why is every MMOish based game giving all the attention to PvE'ers ( strike rewards being buffed last patch) but we PvP'ers seems always to be 2nd class players.
Edited by BlackHawkDrunk: 10/4/2014 1:58:09 PMEngrams should be removed from the game completely. The incessant whining & greedy entitlement regarding them is beyond ridiculous. They're meant to be occasional bonuses, not crutches for lazy gamers. You want a goddamn legendary Engram for every 15 minutes you're playing? Um, no. Your reward is crucible (or faction) rep & crucible marks. [b]EVERYTHING[/b] else is a bonus you should be grateful for getting, not bitching about not getting.
"Really why is every MMOish based game giving all the attention to PvE'ers ( strike rewards being buffed last patch) but we PvP'ers seems always to be 2nd class players." To answer this question, because PvP in an MMO is the hardest to balance and the hardest to get right. It's the one thing, as a dev, you know you are going to be tweaking, constantly. So right now, Bungie is working on your AR's, shotguns and fusion rifles, while at the same time acknowledging (to some degree) the imbalance with the Supers. People think that balance is just a form of "This rifle deals 40 damage and this one deals 20, so make them both 30 and they are balanced," and that's not the case. There's SO many variables involved that it's almost impossible to get it right on the nose, somebody is always going to be unhappy. At the same time, honestly, if you want rewarding loot, you play PvE. If you want glory amongst your peers, you play PvP. The two are rewarded differently because there's a different emphasis in each one. Regardless, some of the better gear in this game is purchased through marks anyway, so you should buying Crucible gear and faction gear like it's your job anyway.
What needs to be fixed is when the worst guy on the team gets an exotic weapon
They need to just hide the rewards so that only the people receiving them sees what they got.
I play a lot of PvP, I'm ambivalent to this notion. On the one hand, I want this to happen because I'm biased towards PvP. On the other, I'm afraid of legendaries being spammed because I've seen some great exotic drops happen. Perhaps they can make it so we get a note of light every third game completed. It builds to buying from the speaker / Xur.
I do agree PvP reward system could use a tweak. I have honestly only seen 1 guy get an exotic, and I got one. As sporatic as the drops are in PvP, I would really like to see more legendaries being dropped. I think I have only seen 2 people get legendaries in pVp
Mmos are pvp based but this is technically an MMORPG, so the focus is on pve, it was always going to be? Plus a strike takes more time and effort than a multiplayer game, so guaranteed rewards are good, especially as the rewards are only for level 24 strikes or daily, weekly and nightfall. Pvp system is flawed I agree, but pve will and should always be favoured in Destiny.
I disagree. I think its fair.
Awww, no participation ribbon...poor thing
Edited by BEH0LDiTzSAM: 10/4/2014 1:46:39 PMI would fix it by removing exotic item chances off people with a kd lower than 0.75 and increasing the chance of getting an exotic by 5% if you come first in your team. That way you have to work to be in the running and it's still fair because you can still get legendary engrams and blues for sucking just no more BS last place exotic drops, and it gives coming first more rewarding
Your rewarded with crucible marks and rep anything else is extra