My Gamertag is : elsnben117 I'm a level 27 Gunslinger Hunter. I'm looking for anyone level 26+ (maybe one or two 25's) to do the raid with me. I've done the raid before up to the templar but past that I'll need some direction.
It'd be a nice bonus if you know where the chests are (the first doesn't count :P )
A mic is also pretty much necessary, although I think we would do fine so long as you listened if one person doesn't have a mic (admittedly that person could be me at the beginning sometimes it takes a few minutes to get my mic to work, but it'd be in probably before we launched and if not before the gate was open.)
Send wacko 302em an invite
Gt Skognacious sign me up! 28 hunter... going to be on in half hour.
LVL 27 Warlock Sunsinger and a LVL 27 Hunter Bladedancer, we need to raid!! Send us an invite! I've read up one VOG and I know what's happening and how to do shit, so Im not full retard noob gamertag is XROBERTONEILLX, send away!!
Add me! 27 hunter gamertag Bloodshotdigger
I want in, Lvl 27 hunter fully gunslinger or fully bladedancer Got mic GT: WYX
Frostythastoner beaten a few times
I want in in lvl26 hunter gt:Lamrocks2
Inv warlock 28 vnpx black rose
I'll invite you
Edited by CrobanDallas: 10/4/2014 2:04:54 PM Great place to find a fire team