[quote]Bit bored anyone want to play destiny[/quote] Lvl31 hunter Gally and hunger maxed...paleoseeker
Ok we need some ppl ps3 to kill crota asap! add psn name madkron
Add me nothernbasturd am usually on 8 - 12 pm most nights Lvl 25 titan striker
Hard mode crota check point looking for 4 lvl 32's one has to be good with the swordI'm 31 but have exp and my friend is lvl32 add me on ps3 Zarroc_Snipeout
Titan 31, looking for two to do nightfall. Game tag same as above
Need 2. Atheon cp hard
Lfg for crota normal i have deathsinger cp add kratos051
SoloTeamPlayer lvl 23 warlock, need to get better gear if anyone can help ps3 only
psn id: VAMpyreZed on ps3. 30 Warlock 28 Hunter
PSN same as above Level 29 Titan
[quote]Bit bored anyone want to play destiny[/quote] Vampiretiger. Hunter lvl 31.
HYPERFUZE86 add me, UK guardian
Lvl 31 warlock 29 titan 30 hunter. Looking to raid. Blaze1529
Hammons_13 Lvl 28 titan Not a die hard player but looking to do weekly heroic On most nights eastern time
Level 28 Titan w/mic Nchristy91
YourAnatomy always looking for new friends with mics and down to raid etc
Looking for vog atheon cp on norm or templer cp on hard. Im lvl31 add mono_410
Add Choot707 Daily Weekly Nightfall Raid I have a mic and I'm always down to play.
Need ppl for hard VOG, add xXKILLERrHINO1Xx, have gatekeeper cp
Looking for a fresh Crota's end Lvl :31 Titan
Level 27 Titan