Psn Kickin_Azz23 lvl 25 Titan would love to try out the VOG I haven't done it before so I hope you can add me and we'll have some fun
Psn name muertoweirdo Hunter 26 No mic
Level 27 hunter Maxed subclasses Psn djcmac
Craigithest1992 Lvl 29 Titan Lvl 27 warlock I use both frequently and would like to party up
Blatman Level 24 warlock
flibbert1987 Lvl 24 hunter.
BlitzzDonner (29 Hunter)
PincheGeezus 23 Titan
Krow_7484 Voidwalker 26 Strikes, Heroics, Raid or PvP (Personally needing a hand with final part of Thorn bounty) West Coast and Mic enabled
MagnoBlast Lvl 28 warlock VoG normal/hard, Daily (28), Weekly (28) & Nightfall GMT +8 Add me up if nearby Ps. Let me know in the message when you add. Cheers.
yellowwolfs Lvl 26 warlock
Lvl 20 hunter add me Psn BlaZe-_-JinXX need help finding the light stuff active all the time after 3:00
Level 24 Hunter and Titan. No mic for now. Would like to join group to do V. O. G. Never played cuz cut find help.
boybad8812. Lvl 28 titan
kabalga1 lvl 24 titan no mic
psn C00kieM0nsterRH3 lvl 24 warlock no mic play mornings EST need fire team for strikes and queens wrath
PSN: mike55c Lvl 26 Titan Yes I have a mic Wanna play?
Psn: PorKies_ I have a mic and I'm level 28 on two hunters and good at vog
Level 3 with Mic Add Me :-)
Finally found a ps3 group. Username is whatisuruser Lvl 25 Titan No mic for now though
PSN: skyllllller (yeah was a 11 year old boy when I created the account) LVL 7 Warlock (new to the game) got a mic for communication be free to write/add me usually online at the weekend Greetings Voyaflex // skyllllller
white2186 25 warlock yes on mic add me! I'm usually on in the evenings.
ATinyShrubbery 13 hunter, no mic for now, add me
Lvl 27 sunsinger lvl 28 hunter. Lfg vog Nightfall's and destiny buddies add me up buckmarly65 plz be around my levels thanks