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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
10/4/2014 9:30:28 PM
I wouldn't pay $1 for DLC until the game I paid $60 for actually measured up to their promises. If you want to pay $30 for two DLCs go ahead, I won't tell you you're wrong. My point was (and from what I understand this opinion is very much shared by the thread creator) it's not the cost of the DLC that's an issue - this whole thread is about getting what we paid for (which we certainly are not at the moment). The thread creator is simply asking for Bungie to deliver a complete story that we can be satisfied with and then any extra they want to come up with afterwards I'd be happy to pay for. I'm not being stingy, I just wish I'd known what this game was going to be like before purchase as I could've saved myself $60 and bought something that would keep me interested for more than a week.

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