Looking for players to vault of glass raid or even possibly start a fireteam interested reply here or add xK1ucHx MurdeR
Lvl 27 titan
I have me and 3 others at the end boss and we need 2 join us?
I will be at home 10pm Pacific time add me till then
Level 26 hunter LetsParticipate :3
Two people in fire team at the last boss. Gt: RoyTsunami
LVL 28 hunter I've done raid before add me I'm ready
Edited by Glitch 1802: 10/4/2014 11:05:36 PMGlitch 1802 send invite, lv 28
GT: bloodfired Level 25 hunter with lot of skill and practice
GT Woven Brute level 29 warlock I'm game
Edited by Subre_ll: 10/4/2014 10:53:53 PMIve finished it 4 times gt oslothy doing it with my second character
I'll help GT North PGL
Gt: SteelHornetX Warlock Lvl 28