originally posted in:Team Potato
If anything, Titans need to be nerfed.
Impenetrable bubble
Super ground pound of ass-blam!-
One hit melee charge
Super -blam!-ing armored
It isn't an invincible shield and it isn't op, either leave the titan alone in his bubble, break the shield with goldengun/nova bomb, run in bubble and fist of havok. And before you say 'thats bs you can only counter shield with a super, dont forget most other supers can only be countered by another super aswell, and there's the potential for the shield user to get no kills if no-one goes into him. Not op
Haha, funny man. Yeah it isn't OP if one person can cap B while sitting in a bubble with a shotgun AND over shield and get shitloads of kills. Totally not OP.
No it's not, it's your fault for running into it, you run away when you see people with bladedancer so why do any different to a bubble shield, its a SUPER and can EASILY be avoided
Not when it's sitting on an objective. -_-
Then don't -blam!-ing go to it, who cares if they capture and get 75 points, run off, kill other people then go back when his shield is gone
I understand what you mean. But I don't like using shotguns. To OP
Impenetrable? Can be broken by supers.
This is false. WoD is not destroyed by supers. It's lost when the creator dies which can happen if you enter bubble and then use your super.
No bubbles can be two shot by the golden gun or blown up by the nova bomb, i'm a titan and i've maxed out the defender and have witnessed both. Bit hard to be killed by goldengun when I'm inside the shield with the defensive shield on and they're several meters away outside of the shield
If they see you supering, they back out and it gets contained in the bubble. (At least for me; I'm a Warlock)
It is broken by Nova bomb and Golden Gun.
What a joke.
1) The "impenetrable bubble" goes both ways, you cant shoot out either. 2) FoH is OP, but you do have to get close to use it. 3) People survive the charge all the time, and it's kind of odd to use. 4) False, titans barely have more defense then other classes, and I get killed after activating FoH all the time.
"Impenetrable"? No. Anyone can get one shotted inside. Even damage resistance loses to shotties.
I'll admit that parts true if you use the recharging shield perk, you're practically invinsible, shotguns need 2-3 shots but still it isn't op because 1, if you just don't go into his bubble you won't die, and 2 of course you need to be stronger, it's a super after all, if you could run in and kill a titan in a bubble then whats the point if the titan isn't even able to get kills like every other super allows
Haha, no. Titans sit inside their bubble of ass-blam!- with shotguns and kill you as soon as you get inside.