Look at this emblem. It has a swastika in the middle.
I find this very offensive and request that it is removed, and that whoever made the emblem is fired. This is something horrible to do.
EDIT: If you can't see it, move your head away from the screen as you look at the emblem.
EDIT2: Yes, at [i]one[/i] time this was a sign of peace. Now it's not.
Lol I hope this is a joke, if not then damn
I come from the land of OffTopic
I see boooooobs
It was a religious symbol way before hitler came in.
shit i used this for my hunter need to change fast
I don't think bungie did this intentionally. If it offends you, that's your choice. Just don't use it rather than demand for it to be removed.
haha sweet
I also find this extremely uncalled for. Is Bungie trying to promote Naziism?
Hahahha thats awesome.... HAIL HITLER
Edited by Dr Torso: 10/5/2014 12:45:07 AMAre Bungie Na[i]z[/i]is? Damn it, Bungie, fix the game!
Edited by fondue: 10/5/2014 12:49:38 AMBUNGIE REMOVE THIS NOW, IT'S RACIST TOWARDS THINGS
Looking to make a big deal out of nothing. If it was a swastika and just that, then fine, complain away. But it a design and you're reaching, sorry...
Thanks now I will buy this emblem and run it ;) You mad bro?
If you look closely you can see a troll...
If you look closely at the OP's post then you will see it's a load of shit.
To all the Desticles out there *gets your welcome to the Flood card* shreds it with my arse.I poop it out you eat it now spell "#Destiny" with your [u]caca[/u].Get your sparrow to #destiny while a blue monkey eats your testicles.I know it hurts,but you messed w/ the wrong forum you tw@t never come back here cause'[u]STONE COLD SAID SO[/u][spoiler]nice vid btw[/spoiler]
Idk about that. Wait a minute... Wait.. Is that? No... Idk... Kinda looks like the virgin Mary... Yeah. If you look closely, you'll see a vivid image of the virgin Mary.
Yep I see it.
*Sign of the Führer
Rip jews
You are reaching. Move along.
What's What's a swasticka?
It's an [url=http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endless_knot]endless knot. [/url] It's a symbol of eternity, or an infinite power. The Celts had one (look at a Celtic cross), as did numerous other cultures (like the Vikings and the Romans). The Germans appropriated it during the Third Reich to give their illegal government legitimacy and appear as a continuation of ancient regimes.
Thats not a swastika. Sorry.