Look at this emblem. It has a swastika in the middle.
I find this very offensive and request that it is removed, and that whoever made the emblem is fired. This is something horrible to do.
EDIT: If you can't see it, move your head away from the screen as you look at the emblem.
EDIT2: Yes, at [i]one[/i] time this was a sign of peace. Now it's not.
You find this very offensive? Oh grow up.. People like you ruin everything for normal people like us
Alright man time to stop being a pussy
So never go to India In that case the use of the swastika has not changed there
look up swastika. it's been in use and has had a shitload of meanings way before wwII. you're only offended because you're looking to be offended.
You are pathetic. First of all its not even purposely there and second if it was purposefully there it still shouldn't agenda anyone. This symbol has other meanings. Grow up and stop being so narrow minded. Pathetic.
Is it one of those Magic Eye pictures from 20 years ago?......I couldn't see those either
Gr8 m8 8/8
The emblem is a twist on the infinite/endless knot, made finite, as far as I can tell. I cannot see a swastika in there that is in any way intuitive or obvious, no matter what I do. Just going by the geometry/line work, it's not intentional whatever you are seeing. It's just two striped rectangles going over/under.
First, are you even Jewish? Second, really?
Get a life you loser.
Jesus Christ -blam!-ing wow. Religious but jobs everywhere (OMG OFFENSIVE) yet tv does shit and it's fine. Grow the -blam!- up
Oh snap
& stop using the term m aster race. It's offensive also
Please for the love of something...educate you're self RIGHT NOW....it is a symbol of peace it was corrupted by hitler...you know that really bad guy that was back a few decades ago? It is and still is seen as a sign of peace but only the ignorant (the OP here) claim it is bad.
So is every one else in the world hateful or disrespectful? There is nothing to ur post. I'm ashamed in myself for even responding. The sawastica now is seen negatively but was around way before the 1900's all over the world. I myself don't even believe it was intentional as it is formed in the background of a pattern and you have to try to see it in most cases.
I see two bears high-fiving!
Just because [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] used it does not change it's meaning. In Hindu it's a good luck charm. Ps I'm a Jew and take no offense.
Want some cheese with your whine?
It takes a special level of stupid to claim that is anything but an infinite knot. Grow up kid the world doesn't revolve around you.
There are still non-[url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] ideologies that use the swastika.
I see a schooner. ..
It wasn't put there on purpose
It's still a sign of peace lol. There are two different shapes one forward one backwards. This post is stupid.
That's a Hindu symbol, meaning SUNSHINE. The swastica is turned the other way.
Edited by General PATT0N: 10/5/2014 4:17:05 PMWhen your parents told you the entire universe exists to make you happy, and revolves around your inner-child, THEY LIED/WERE WRONG. Stop being an emotional, irrational, illogical knee-jerking flake. We have more than enough people like that already in graduate school and/or always watching the news. At the very least, try using your houseplant of an IQ, and simply stop looking at/ignore it. Also, consider getting a job at one of our fine federal regulatory agencies. You'd(obviously) fit right in.