Look at this emblem. It has a swastika in the middle.
I find this very offensive and request that it is removed, and that whoever made the emblem is fired. This is something horrible to do.
EDIT: If you can't see it, move your head away from the screen as you look at the emblem.
EDIT2: Yes, at [i]one[/i] time this was a sign of peace. Now it's not.
Edited by General PATT0N: 10/5/2014 4:17:05 PMWhen your parents told you the entire universe exists to make you happy, and revolves around your inner-child, THEY LIED/WERE WRONG. Stop being an emotional, irrational, illogical knee-jerking flake. We have more than enough people like that already in graduate school and/or always watching the news. At the very least, try using your houseplant of an IQ, and simply stop looking at/ignore it. Also, consider getting a job at one of our fine federal regulatory agencies. You'd(obviously) fit right in.
Here's a solution: Get over it. It's not meant to be a swastika, it's an infinite knot. See how that kind of ties in with the name a bit? You're one of those people who see Jesus in pieces of toast/mold/dogs butts/oil stains aren't you?
Definite subliminal message..
This is madness....
It is still a symbol of peace. I didn't even notice the swastika until it was pointed out.
You should learn your stuff. You're making a fool of yourself
Edited by FilthyFrank: 10/5/2014 5:38:15 PMthey deserve it anyways.
Its 2 -blam!-ing rectangles overlapping one side goes under and then other over. OP is a troll or just an idiot. Hard to tell which.
your second edit is idiotic, no matter what it was, relatively, briefly misappropriated for it will always still be a symbol of peace as i'm pretty sure a brief period in the early 1900's falls a tad short of the thousands of years it was used previously.
Edited by Crows Descend: 10/5/2014 5:32:58 PMOh wow... you're disrespecting ancient symbols by associating them with a swastika, when originally, they took it and corrupted it. I honestly feel sorry for you if you're serious on this topic; being offended by symbolism, nevermind an emblem on a game, lol.
If anything at all it looks like the columbia outfitters logo rather than a swastica...problem solved.
A lot of people see a swastica, I don't. Having said that I'm not a fan of that particular emblem, very underwhelming, I'd even go so far as to say it's ugly.
The swastika is a sign of benevolence and power from ancient tribes. The [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] ruined it, yet the original meaning still stands. Regardless, this is not a swastika.
it still is a sign of peace within the Hindu community, now shut up and go home
People like you are the reason racism and ignorance in this world never dies. It's not a swastika, you're only choosing to see one because you'll look for any excuse to accuse someone.
I bet jew did [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] that coming...
I don't see it. Didn't you also make the Bad Jew Jew post? Find better bait.
All this proves is they cut content to sell as DLC.
You are drawing fictitious meaning out of this. The artist clearly didnt make a swastica as an emblem, and you are trying to say otherwise. You are way lacking in the common sense area. I bet youre one of the people that read a book and look for some unintentional message to what the book is really saying. Its people like you that turn the world upside down. You are very misinformative.
Fake outrage is fake, perhaps if it was black white and red you'd have something but it's a design that's been used for thousands of years, and that's not even it. Downtown at city hall where I live the floor is covered in tile swastikas, should they rip up the 100 year old floor cuz Germany got uppity that time?
That is an infinite knot. So get over yourself.
Please leave :)
Edited by cesar0s: 10/5/2014 4:20:20 PMOp is special.
Pretty sure that's an unfortunate coincidence in and unintended in the design
Nobody cares :D
This looks absolutely nothing like a swastika