Look at this emblem. It has a swastika in the middle.
I find this very offensive and request that it is removed, and that whoever made the emblem is fired. This is something horrible to do.
EDIT: If you can't see it, move your head away from the screen as you look at the emblem.
EDIT2: Yes, at [i]one[/i] time this was a sign of peace. Now it's not.
I am deeply offended. Never buying another bungie game again
Lol. You're stupid.
Wow, people really do make a big deal out of everything, GO grow a pair
They didn't do it intentionally. Stop complaining. Its only bad if they intentionally put it in. it If i say my gun is yellow, does that mean i'm being racist? No. A symbol is only meaningful if it was intentionally drawn to symbolise something specific. It looks nothing like a swastika unless you are trying to find it.
Some people find the cross to be offensive too....just saying.
The swastika is STILL a sign of peace and prosperity in its native lands only in the "western" world are any negative connotations associated with it and even then only by ignorant people who do not actually know of its origins.
Yes. I too think it was Bungie's attempt to indoctrinate us into National Socialism . If this serious offends you, you ned to find something much more worthy in your life to be angry at. I dunno, I am thinking about something... like a mountain and a molehill, how does that go?
It looks [i]nothing[/i] like a swastika.
I've been using that emblem for over a week only noticed that now. How ridiculous that you're offended by that.
It is still a sign of peace you ass hat. The religion of Jainism still uses it as a sign. Most would agree Jain monks are by far the most docile and loving people on the planet. Besides Jews own the media and most major corporations so they came out pretty good in the deal, a little sacrifice goes a long way apparently.
Lmao I can see it. You do have to look at it from a distance. It has to be small too. It's not the actual white outline but the blue background. I'm looking at it on my iPhone
a symbol only has as much power as you give to it....it doesn't matter what that symbol is
I can barely see it
Edited by TrollMeaT: 10/5/2014 1:01:15 AMIt was originally an Egyptian symbol that German stole, the emblem you speak of looks nothing like it. Troll fail
and also by ur definition if this should be banned then we should arrest all Tibetans because it is in their religion for good luck.
If you keep reaching you might find your head up there.
I want this emblem now more then ever
Edited by JT-NINJA: 10/5/2014 1:02:22 AMBefore the swastika was adopted by the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]'s it was used in Buddhism, Hinduism and many other religions... It's a symbol that represent peace and eternity. Think about that before having your BS rants. Just because you see it as a symbol of hate doesn't mean everyone does. Stfu. Stop whining and just play the God damn game or don't no one cares. No one is forcing you to use the emblem. So just ignore it.
This supports [u]-godwinslaw!-[/u]
Wow. This seriously offensive. GG Bungie.
The swastika was used by a totally different culture. So i find your post offensive assuming the symbol is offensive.
actually its a good luck charm do ur research. its not even the right color and u only see it if ur looking for it get over yourself.
I had this emblem and discarded it as soon as I looked at it. No way I'm holding on to that insensitive emblem, even if it was a sign of peace before the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]'s as it stands today I agree it's offensive.
Edited by Kurupter_: 10/5/2014 1:02:25 AMAmazingly two infinite symbols intertwined in a block format accidentally makes that swastika symbol. So if you find a non-definitive within another symbol offensive, does the definitive swastika symbol within textbooks is offensive to you as well?
Lol I hope this is a joke, if not then damn