Look at this emblem. It has a swastika in the middle.
I find this very offensive and request that it is removed, and that whoever made the emblem is fired. This is something horrible to do.
EDIT: If you can't see it, move your head away from the screen as you look at the emblem.
EDIT2: Yes, at [i]one[/i] time this was a sign of peace. Now it's not.
Edited by JT-NINJA: 10/5/2014 1:02:22 AMBefore the swastika was adopted by the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]'s it was used in Buddhism, Hinduism and many other religions... It's a symbol that represent peace and eternity. Think about that before having your BS rants. Just because you see it as a symbol of hate doesn't mean everyone does. Stfu. Stop whining and just play the God damn game or don't no one cares. No one is forcing you to use the emblem. So just ignore it.