Hi there. My clan is called [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/335126]The Crucible Gods[/url]. Although we will do strikes, raids and all that good stuff, we are mainly a pvp oriented clan. We love dominating in the crucible any way we can. We are competitive. I'm recruiting for the xbox 360 and xbox one. If enough playstation players show interest, i will consider opening up their respected divisions.I dont plan on making this clan huge so spots will be limited. Fill out the form below only if you meet the requirement of having a crucible k/d ratio of 1.4 or higher. This requirement is subject to change and make joining harder as more members join. Not all applicants will be accepted even I you satisfy the requirement. If you are let it, please make The Crucible Gods your clan by clicking on the button in our forum and also post in our introduction thread.
Crucible K/D Ratio:
Favorite crucible playlist:
Favorite weapon type:
Anything else you want to add:
*I will send out invites to the members I choose. Do not send a request to join. You will be denied.*
Bumping this up.
Still some open spots. Soon i will make the clan invite only.
Feel free to join Flying Octopus http://www.bungie.net/en/Clans/Search/Flying%20Octopus
Killjoys United. [i]please be my crucible rivals..[/i] :D
Aviate Dazed Xbox 360 1.91 Clash or Skirmish Im best at Sniping but have gun skill by far 29 Warlock Thanks
If you don't have a clan join mine!!! Goto http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/345689 and apply and become elite ;)
Gt: that no life Xbox360 Hunter lvl 26 Control-1.88 Clash-2.08
Not worth joining just saw ally your players...
Gt: Brightside 23 on Xbox One Lvl 30 hunter, k/d ~1.9 Control/ salvage I got a mythoclast?
Bump the kdr to 1.4+ 1.2 not really dominate materials
You got 360 clanmates?