*Walks into bitch fest with a Target Designator*
*Turns on Armorlock as shells start hitting*
R.I.P SweatyGymSox died of laughter(and I was nearby the airstrike)
*walks out of chared building. Does the "U Can't C Me" taunt from John Cena* And that, is how you bust -blam!-ers in explosion style.
I'm back from the dea...(gets 360 noscoped Doritoed mountain dewed and pissed on by you). /:3
*shells ejects from rifle* nub.
I respawn ticked off I equip full exotic and noscope you TAKE DAT SNIP....(gets headshoted) you scream IM BACK FROM THE DEAD BITCH!!!
Nice try, holograms are good decoys.
R.I.P once again I die laughing! (you sir got another follower)
*shield fizzles and bullet flattens on diamond hard, Max Armour'd nanites in suit.
I have no clue what you just said!! Lol
Ever played Crysis 1/2/3?
No actually I haven't am I missing out?
Hmm I'll check it out oh f.y.i my notifications are broke!