You really dropped the ball here, Bungie. Xur comes back every weekend, which means we have to wait a long time until we get a new stack of items. The LEAST you could do is make sure that items cycle/DON'T REPEAT.
I've been trying to get Light Beyond Nemesis since it's the only warlock helmet that I really like, but no dice.
Check this out:
Sept 12/Titan/No Backup Plans
Sept 12/Hunter/Mask of the Third Man
Sept 12/Warlock/[b]Sunbreakers[/b]
Sept 19/Titan/Helm of Inmost Light
Sept 19/Hunter/Lucky Raspberry
Sept 19/Warlock/[b]Sunbreakers[/b]
Sept 26/Titan/Crest of Alpha Lupi
Sept 26/Hunter/Knucklehead Radar
Sept 26/Warlock/Apotheosis Veil
Oct 3/Titan/Helm of Saint-14
Oct 3/Hunter/Achilyophage Symbiote
Oct 3/Warlock/[b]Sunbreakers[/b]
Do you get it? ALL classes have different items every week EXCEPT Warlock.
There are some things that should NOT be RNG-based, Bungie. This is one of them.
This makes me want to stop playing Destiny all together until I finally get lucky and Xur sells the only piece of Exotic gear I truly want.
The worst thing is that I would have a much easier time in the raid if I got a better helmet (I have a blue one), but why should I have to buy a legendary one for 120 marks when I'm going to have to scrap it as soon as I get lucky one weekend?
It just doesn't seem right.
I've been doing strikes just to get more motes of light to buy the exotic Helm engram, which gives me a 1/9 chance to get what I want. I tried that last week and got (*surprise*) a bloody Hunter Helmet.
One of my friends [i]did[/i] get Light Beyond Nemesis. But he's a Titan. And there is no trading.
How hard can it be for you to make a list of all exotic armor pieces and let Xur cycle through them picking one per week without repeating.
Seriously, Sunbreakers THREE WEEKS?
Xur hates warlock the most Xur hates hunters Xur favors titans