Video Game Loft is a community founded with the belief that the gaming experience supercedes the game its self and includes the badass people that you enjoy playing the game with. We have a great group of passionate and cordial people who love to play destiny both casually and religiously.
We're looking for other like - minded guardians who not only enjoy the game but want something more. It's important that you appreciate what being mature and respectful mean, and more importantly live by the golden rule! We've raided all content, cleared every strike, and won't discriminate against you with regards to your level, build, class, and more importantly anything personal. We love gaming and find it the most fun when we play with people like you. You're welcome to check us out online, shoot me a message on here, or on my PSN account.
Here's a link to our page so you can put your clan request in:
Happy hunting out there guardians and don't forget the most important thing:
Stay Legend.
Edited by Kitosumi: 10/12/2014 5:44:11 PM