originally posted in:Cryptarch Raiders
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As many of you already know The best way to achieve this is to make two more
Characters the SAME class as your main. Once you get them to 20, store the best armor, and guns you have in your vault so when you run the raid again your character will be 27-29 whatever your main usually is.
This method is also good for nightfall, weekly, and daily heroic.
Where you have the chance to buy more stuff from xur and get more materiel for upgrades.
Any raid gear found just store I vault for your main character unless your alt has shards for upgrades etc.
Of course if you like to play with different classes this method for faster raid gear won't work.
BASICALLY whatever level your main guardian is. So can your alt guardians through armor and weapon swap outs using the vault.
Already done did it MAYNE. Don't waste precious materials on characters u won't actually play. There's a few of us with ALTs already. I ran the raid with my alt and I got only ascendant materials, nothing else... Bungie knows...