Ask away.
Edit: changed the title
Edit 2: updated title
Edit 3: My knowledge focuses more on the exotics because I feel the legendaries are just carbon copies of each other (except Fatebringer I feel it's perk combination make it an exotic.)
Edit:4 someone revived this thread and the title was no longer accurate.
Edit5: THIS HAS BEEN NECRO BUMPED. Original post date: 11/1/14 . Shoutout to the man that found this
Edited by Ghost593835: 10/5/2014 5:16:41 PMdo the cabal have other races out side their race? and where is this vast empire? who runns it ? what race runs the cabal? [quote]No luck. The sand ate everything. Clothes from skin, skin from bone. It was as if there were never any people here at all. I have been through every broken window in every building. Nothing. That is, no Guardian material. And no ride back to Earth. The scout was long gone. What I did find, however, was a way into the Cabal Warbase. Their runty piggish eyes are too dull to see me, as long as I stay out of their defense systems. The Psions are a different matter: Too quick, too clever, throwing their minds around like hammers. I creep around walls, or dig into a heap of canisters and watch from there. [b]There is a vast Empire behind these creatures, many star systems away. Some pledge allegiance to that far Empire, obeying their ancient marching orders. Some do not. They disagree among themselves about the answers. I wish arguing Cabal on no one. [/b]They slam their plated bodies into each other with horrendous roars. Intelligence gathering has never been so painful. [/quote]