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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
10/5/2014 10:51:05 PM
I do love this game, i do. But i also agree with you that it falls short.. I think that the game need more story missions and raids to be added during patches/updates. What i was expecting from the expansions was more levels and new planets and maybe even new galaxies.. Not new missions and strikes on the small so called planets we already have... That should been included in the free patches that we get now and then. I think world of Warcraft is the perfect exampel of how the game should be when it comes to free adds and what to be expecting from patches and expansions like hole new areas and more lvls.. Bungie, plz add more raids and stuff in the upcoming patches and expand the galaxies in the expansions.. With all that sad.. You got me signed up! PS. I do think bungie have Done a wonderful game. I just hope it will grow much much more over time, but by the looks of it right now it will not.

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  • I agree with the story line point. There is a lack of anything that resembles a cohesive story. Why are we here? Why could the dinklebot bring us back to life and not the rest of humanity? What is driving us to fight? There is such a lack of explanation on anything, where is the personality of the characters? The speaker shows up for a total of ten minutes, then there is that exo hunter that sends us to the reef. That's it. One thing I do disagree with is the comparison to WoW. Yes they do patch and add content that you don't have to pay $30 for to get, but it is also a sub based game, so you end up paying for all of actiblizzards updates anyway. That being said I have found a huge disparity between what the devs have touted as a social, story driven explorable world and what we actually have had delivered to us. Fix the story for free for everyone. It doesn't need to be the whole story for the entire ten years, but it should at least be fitting for a full retail copy of a game. I agree with the op, it is like we paid $60 for a beta test instead of a finished product.

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  • I just wants the game to survive for as long as possible and if they make a destiny 2 that you atleast can transfer the char so u dont have to restart a new char and lose all that have been Done. And like you say that this game feels only like a beta i find the planets/maps to be very smal, i was looking forward to Explorer a ruined earth and all the other planets.. Not just a small Map of what they call "old russia". Its not even russia its just like a a small area around a space shuttle.... That was the most disapointing of all imo... Its not even as big as orgrimmar in wow (hordes main city/base). But, dont get me wrong i do love the game as a sci-fi shooter.. The fps experience is Amazing and i cant get enought of shooting all these aliens to where they come from. So bungie, if u reas this i can much say that as a fps you get 10 out of 10 but as "mmo" or sheared world shooter that u call it u get 3 out of 10 imo...peace!

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  • Signed. Lvl 24 Hunter

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