It's getting to be a common thing now during the Lvl 24 Strikes that I see these kids race as fast as they can through the Strike usually hopping on their speeder bypassing the first several mobs of lower level enemies which is fine but then they continue on and bypass as many of the Lvl 24 enemies as they can just to get to the final boss quicker.
Why? The boss gives you nothing and your chances of getting anything worthwhile from the end game roll are poor odds for the amount of time it takes to complete each Strike. Your best shot of getting a Legendary Engram drop or at least multiple blue Engrams to give you a chance at Legendary gear and to rank up the Cryptarch is to kill every Lvl 24 enemy up to the boss because that is where all of my Legendary Engrams have come from and I get at least half of my blue Engrams from Mob drops to go along with what I get in the end game roll.
The Lvl 24 Tiger Strikes since the last patch appear to have a higher drop rate than the normal game modes at least in the areas you're facing Lvl 24 enemies, and so bypassing them to finish the Strike faster is just decreasing your chance of getting multiple drops. There's little other reason to be grinding Lvl 24 Strikes in that manner because you can earn Vanguard rep faster farming Patrols, Vanguard Marks faster farming Public Events, and if you need a bunch of Strikes for a Bounty run the Lvl 8 Devil's Lair on Earth and get them done quick.
So don't be that guy that runs way out ahead of everyone else. Don't waste you and your teammates chances for more Legendary/Exotic drops. It doesn't take but an extra 5 minutes or so to clear out all the Lvl 24 enemies your bypassing between you and the Boss when you do it as a group.
That's matchmaking for you. There's nothing that can be done about it. If you want to slowly go through a Strike and kill everything in between the beginning and the boss, then join a clan or do it with friends that agree to also kill everything with you. I'm never the person that will run forward and skip all mobs, but if 1 person does it, then I'll just follow. Why? Because: 1) I can't tell them to slow down. If I want to communicate then I gotta add them to my Friend List, and I don't feel like filling up with friendlist with tons of random people. 2) If I don't follow and they die, they're probably just going to leave the Strike group and ruin the whole run. So why not just go with the flow and finish the thing for the reward at the end. 3) The sooner I finish the Strike, the more quickly I can start another one. In the end, it's not that bad to rush to the end and skip all mobs. The OP has a point and killing mobs does increase the chances at more loot, but you can end up getting as many on your next Strike run. Not everyone rushes through all mobs. Half the time I'll get a group that does kill everything, while the other half of the time I'll get 1 person that rushes through. That's the price to pay if I use the Matchmaking system! If you don't want people rushing, join a clan and make friends. /thread