I"m so sick of people complaining about the way others play. If you don't want to play with randoms, how hard is it to get TWO friends who play like you do?
Are people that antisocial that they can not get two other people on a mic to play with them?
You play with randoms, you have the same shot of getting what you want as when you gamble and buy Xur's engram.
I can't get people to play. I don't have friends who play destiny, or if they do then it is on a different console. I have one guy I know that plays destiny on the 360 with me but he works and plays opposite to me. So should I just never complete strikes? That's not fair either??
Edited by The Inturned: 10/6/2014 12:50:02 AMUnfortunately you have to roll with what your given. Maybe make friends in the tower?
This just about sums it up. That's why they're called "randoms".
I agree.