When the topic of Bungie.net comes up, I often proudly, and loudly exclaim how I've been devoting hours of my day to these forums for the last six years. For some that doesn't seem like much time at all, and for others, it's an incomprehensible amount of dedication. Regardless of how others see the quantity of time I've spent here, the fact remains that I have grown up on this website. Just as I have changed, so has this site. The attitudes, the popular topics, and the faces, but there's one thing that has never changed. The pride. The sense of community. The heritage.
This community has a rich heritage that stretches back farther then my own existence, and it's always been unique. How many other game developers can boast a rich community that's not only invested in the games, but in each other? How many communities invest the time and effort into something like the "Community Carnage?" Care enough about each other to execute "Average Joe" interviews? Make a "Bungie Bathroom Reader," filled with news not about The company or their games, but about community events? Or spearhead their own massively complex and comprehensive "FAQ" section?
This community cares about its members, and loves each other's company, the past has proven that. But what of the present? Where have these projects gone?
The Darkness weakened us, there is no doubt. Many members left unable to cope with the void that had formed, but from it emerged a stronger, and more devoted crowd. A crowd that despite the odds still worked on and executed large scale community projects. The community survived, and we approached the coming light with enthusiasm, but looking back, maybe we shouldn't have.
Everything changes, trying to fight that is futile, but this community has changed, and truthfully, Bungie has changed. I still think Bungie is an amazing company, but I feel like they've lost touch with their community. With us. We've had our tools stripped, private groups reduced to barely a sliver of their former selves. The forums, are no longer forums. "Comment," does not encourage discussion the same way like "Reply." We were promised changes and improvements, and we got a lot of great things, but at what cost?
It seems that this website has been made for the Destiny community. An effective tool for someone looking to check their stats, find a group to raid with, or stay in touch with their game when they're away from their console. What happened to the Bungie community? Where has the focus on retaining member gone?
No old guard deserves to remain if it can't adapt to the new, but many of us have been eager to face this time of change and the new members it brings. To better this community, and to broaden its horizons, but it doesn't feel like that's what's wanted anymore. Why not encourage both? Why not make a home where the old member can bring the new member under his wing. Share the strong culture of this community.
This community is unique, but it's slipping. Everyday I see more and more of the old guard leave, seeing no future here. Heritage is important. All I ask is that we are given the tools to continue the strong legacy this community has before it dies out. Engage in dialogue. Ask us what we need, and don't promise us anything. Just involve us; let us have a say in what is ultimately ours. We're here because we love you and each other. We ultimately want the best, and is it such a detriment to open up a little dialogue, make us feel like something more then fodder?
This post is far too wordy, and far too reminiscent, I know, but it's important to remember. Don't be afraid of the new, our future awaits us, but don't ever forget where you came from.
Edited by DE4THINC4RN4TE: 10/6/2014 1:43:30 AMBump from the abyss of join mai clen and war claz u gun pleh threads.
Yea, I don't know what the hell has happened to this place. I had a lot of memories from this site, sad to see the life sucked right out of it, at least more than it had been for the last year. Where is Achronos for all of this?
On a serious note, I come from a private group called The Halo 3 Academy. When we were in full swing there were something like 3000 members, we ended up on Bungie Favourites blah blah The thing is though we had a real community, we played together, we came on Bnet to discuss various things daily, from that time I've actually made some real life friends that I sometimes drink with! The sense of community was like nothing I've ever experienced. I'm a Mythic member now (or was) and I feel like I still post here every day out of habit rather than any sense of community because that is long gone unfortunately.
'04 or bust.
Edited by Arbitor5: 10/7/2014 1:51:38 PMzOMG. Somebody said it. I agree 100%. It's one of the reasons I left and why I only visit once a week now instead of once every 30 seconds. EDIT: I posted this in another thread but it fits better here; Sigh. I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm still young on this site compared to some but i've been here for 6 and a half years. I been involved with and created many Bungie community projects such as [url=http://bungie.wikia.com/wiki/Community_Joes]Community Joes[/url], the [url=http://bungie.wikia.com/wiki/The_Community_Carnage]Community Carnage[/url] and [url=http://bungie.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page]Bungiepedia[/url] and far more - even with Destiny such as being a founder of [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Destiny_Wiki]Destinypedia[/url] and [url=http://insidedestiny.net]InsideDestiny.net.[/url] As most members during 2007-8 I came and signed up for the Halo 3 stats. That's all I cared about. I browsed the forums here and there but never posted until Halo: Reach. Everyone was so friendly, the Ninjas (apart from Tom T), the Employees and the members. The more I posted in the forums, mostly the old Community forum the more I felt apart of this awesome BUNGIE community. The darkness came and [url=http://halo.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=75065465&postRepeater1-p=1]we were left to fend for our selfs[/url] listening to rumours in the wind waiting for Destiny. I used to log in every day and even viewed/posted on the site on my mobile to and from work - [url=http://i743.photobucket.com/albums/xx72/TheArbiter93/41C0495F-C7D9-4F5A-B65D-D4EA6399D177-1420-0000020CC1251F79.jpg]even though it broke sometimes.[/url] Then the new Hawtness came and we didn't know what to expect. I remember coming home from work on my phone trying to view the new site. I was so excited to be apart of the community when a huge update was upon us. That's when the community really fell apart. [url=http://bungie.wikia.com/wiki/Bungie.net_Beta]We had new features[/url] but we also lost a lot more. Many fellow community members left in anger as they felt abandoned because as Rollin pointed out in his thread, the site had been designed for the DESTINY community, not the BUNGIE community. There IS a difference. I stayed for as long as I could, I hated the update, sure it was new and fresh and snazzy but personally it just didn't work. I stayed, as Bungie said many times that the Bungie community would be transferred over, that the groups will be given back their powers and that site changes were under way. A year passed and by that time I was a Bungie.net Mentor (we had no white badges at the time). The site still had not and hasn't changed to benefit the community. I left Bungie.net and resigned for that reason and for personal reasons too. I now visit once a week if that. I miss the old site and the old days. I actually loved halo.bungie.net and my heart really does ache with memories when I think about it. Everyone knew each other, everything was in order, everything was easier to view. However this thread is about us giving feedback.. again about the site so here we go. [b]FEEDBACK[/b] What I'd like to see returned: 1) BLACK SCREEN Firstly I would like to be able to change my screen from white to black. I can't stand really white blank backgrounds and it's not fair when my brother is trying to sleep (I share my room) that in the corner of his eye theres a huge frackin' white screen. Not only that but it's actually easier on my eyes. Why was the option taken away in the first place? 2) PINNED THREADS Important information and employee threads where great and easy to find when they were pinned at the top of the forum page. Not only for regular members but new guys too. 3) HOT TOPICS Hot topics pinned on the right hand side of the forum were also awesome. It led to more community conversation and led to you to what everyone was talking about whilst still viewing the normal threads without having to go to a complete new page called 'trending'. 4) COMMUNITY INPUT What the heck happened to custom community avatars and group themes. Some of us spent hours creating artwork for the community by the community. I really would like to see threads such as '[url=http://halo.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18748346&postRepeater1-p=1]Avatars and User Skins[/url]' return. It should be easy to do with the amount of Bungie employees available now. 5) THE GALLERY One of my top referrers for InsideDestiny.net is [url=http://halo.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?postID=76089759]this thread - over 6,000 people have reached my site via it.[/url] The gallery allowed us to post our creations directly onto the Bungie forums without them being lost in a sea of threads and never replied too. 6) POWERS FOR CHAPTERS [url=http://bungie.wikia.com/wiki/Chapter_Themes]Private groups once had amazing customisation[/url]. Now they're just a shell of what they used to be. Why have Admins lost powers AFTER a site update, if anything shouldn't they have got more? What happened to in-group member titles ect. 7) CUSTOM PROFILE Lastly (for now) with so many members we could do with customisation. For example on Halo.Bungie.Net we had titles such as Mythic, Exalted and Senior ect. I'm not saying that these should be brought back but [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2unx5hw&s=6]maybe something like nameplates.[/url] As humans we have a desire to distinguish ourselves and not to look like everybody else and so the same goes for internet users too. A small number badge that shows only when you click on their profile is just not enough. Colours and shapes related to Destiny, Bungie and Halo if allowed should be used. I'll create some examples later. Make Bungie.net pretty again. [url=https://insidedestinydotnet.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/trial1bars.png]Anyone want a cool swag bar?[/url] Here is a [url=https://insidedestinydotnet.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/example.png]Forum example.[/url] [b]FEEDBACK[/b] What I'd like to see taken away: 1) HASHTAGS Really, this is not twitter or Facebook. As it's been stated by many people it's not a freakin' social site, it's a gaming website. Hashtags really don't work on here like they do on Twitter. Hashtags are even pointless on Facebook. IMHO it makes the site look cluttered. 2) SUB-REPLY Again, this really really makes the site super cluttered and hard to find what out what people are actually talking about. I would like to see thread posts in date/time order all in one screen with quotes instead of having to click little arrows. You miss so many posts and waste so much time.
Do you remember when this forum didn't exist and it was a chapter? And yeroen made the news public and we discussed using news posts? Those were the real days.
Yes! [spoiler]Bump[/spoiler]
Bumpity Boo im coming for you
Basicly you guys got -blam!-ed by the desticles
All of this is exactly how so many members feel right now. The site feels like a shell of what it should be, the game feels like a shadow of what we hoped for, and the community at large is...some other poetic comparison. It's in shambles to say the least. I don't find myself wanting to come on here anymore, and for the most part I don't, or only stay in private chats. For so long I've said, "They promised [insert promise here], so it's coming." Now, that's just not working for me anymore. I really hope things come together in the near future. I want this community to flourish again; I want the new members to learn our ways and respect our traditions.
Edited by Cobravert: 10/9/2014 2:05:11 PMI see the site in the same way, but I just never venture into the #Community as a singular forum since the site overhaul to B.next, for there was little activity. Now, I just use #All Topics, and don't notice the Community hardly at all ever pop up on anything. Maybe I should just isolate back to #Community. #All Topics is a wreck with Destiny prevailing, and littered with troll/nose outta joint/childishness on roids/asinine stupidity of #OffTopic. I'm shocked I lasted out here during the Ninjaless period.
(Yes, I know I'm going to get ragged on for this...) But honestly, I think a big part of it started with the site update. Bungie.old had an entirely different tone of discussion, and was extremely well organized and moderated. At the time of Bungie.next, I believe I likened the new thread layout to a chaotic hybridization of Youtube comments and Twitter, and I have to say that any change in that perception since then has been minimal. I also know I was not the only one who felt a little perturbed by the new setup, and I was not the only one who was entirely put off by it. The intention at the beginning seemed to be to bring the new fans of Destiny into the folds of a tight knit community. Instead, that community has been spread apart and absorbed into the overwhelming mass of Destiny players, many of whom are here simply because Destiny is the current big thing and will be gone as soon as the next game comes out. The whole social element that Destiny was supposed to have also kind of failed, in my opinion. There's no public chat, no matchmaking for many of the events, no in-game clan functionality. Everybody's just sort of being alone together. People play with their friends, or they have to search out new friends outside of the game (in the Community forum, where it doesn't belong, for instance). I made a sort of joking suggestion the other day that we should all decide on a certain spot in the tower where you go and hang out to let everyone know that you're looking for someone to play with. Most of the old private groups have been reduced to chat rooms completely unrelated to the groups' original purposes. I have one group chat message in my inbox right now that just says, "I'm pooping atm,.So no pants." Don't really want to know the context of that one. I do think the group chats are a cool addition, but the implementation (especially with regard to notification) is a bit... unpolished, from a user perspective. It does seem like if we want to build the community back up again, we'll have to do it largely on our own. I think Bungie has their hands full with their own problems at the moment.
Tell him he's dreaming
Boring old coots don't entertain like they used to, too much remembering of the past. You got your piece of candy for a nickle? I hear some of the old men got bans for simply posting in a bad topic!
RIP Also I did stuff too I need praise >:|
This made me cry....
No forge, theatre, file share, or memorable gameplay can do that.
[quote]Empires flourish till they become commercial & then they are scattered abroad to the four winds -William Blake[/quote] This may not be the right place to say this, but I would say look at other companies to see where Bungie might lie. Blizzard was a creative company who made fun RTS games and ARPGs before Battlenet and then decided to do World of Warcraft. Now they are a corporate asset. Bethesda was once just Bethsoft - making fun RPGs set in the Elder Scrolls world. Now they've made ESO, and frankly I understand that it's something you either love or hate. Bioware is another company that made great RPGs and then decided to make Mass Effect into a series (and the firestorm of controversy that engendered in the end) and get themselves involved in Star Wars online and then got swallowed up by EA. There are probably others I am missing. The point is that all these gaming companies cross a Rubicon that can be a hallmark of success and but also of a fundamental shift in how they make games and what their goals become. Change, as you say, is inevitable and sometimes that change can feel for the worse if you are a fan. To me, that change seems to come in when these companies move away from their roots and try to branch out. One common way that happens - and I hate to say the word MMO's - but more like the notion of creating "persistent online worlds" that tends to get these companies in trouble - either with the consumer/fan base or in financial ways. I know this may sound contrarian, but to me that problem for Bungie started with Halo and the Microsoft deal. Granted, there were financial issues and also growth potential for them back then that created this scenario, but the point is that was when Bungie really changed in my eyes. Making a Halo story is one thing; but frankly after the first two games, I didn't need anymore Master Chief. I hate that every critic/reviewer when discussing Destiny refers to Bungie as the "Halo" guys; that's not who the company is to me and to solely judge them on that (no matter it's success) is like judging your favorite musician based on that one "popular" album. (My example would be try talking to Bruce Springsteen fans and they'll tell you that "Born in The USA" was hardly the best example of the guy's work just because it was popular.) In doing Destiny, I see some good and bad things. On the one hand, some of that old energy to be different and creative is there in what they are trying to build. I see some of the old ideas spun in a new way in this game and that level of fun I haven't seen in awhile. On the other side, given the potential disaster in precedent, I wondering if trying to go "persistent online" was the best way to do so. The fact they seem to have also shackled themselves to Activision to do so also doesn't seem like the right idea. Too many questions of questionable mechanics and issues of story-lines poorly managed speaks to either outside influence or poor design. Bottomline - despite the hype around Destiny - I remain hopeful that the game will grow better and that this will community will grow more positively. As you say, the trick will be to not forget, lest success create an environment that is not true to culture that made it. Thank you and apologies if this was too much lecture and not enough feedback.
Yes, listen to this man, Bungie.
In some ways, the Darkness honed our community down to those who truly wanted to engage and be engaged by others. Coming out into the Light has brought in a new infusion of fresh blood who haven't had the years to hone their sense of self, let alone their sense of community. The Community forum was once filled with a foraging, questing essence of camradarie against the Darkness, ranging from coordinating meetups at PAX and beyond to tracing the tangled web of mythic reference that Bungie infused their games with. We rode the hype train, we cursed the servers of Amazon during the great Swag Bag debacle, we conspired together during the Alpha Lupi challenge. Some of that has been lost in the white noise now, and in some ways, private groups have contributed to the diaspora of veteran members from the main forums. In other ways, private groups have provided some of the greatest ties of unification, and for many, they remain the main thing that keeps them bound to the Bungie community at this point. The Mentors were established to try to form a cohesive link from the past to the present, and to make this a more welcoming place. Ultimately, we all need to take ownership and say hey, this isn't just their role. Each of us needs to realize our own might in all of this. Argument is good. Engagement is good. Reasonless frothing at the mouth is just about as useful as a rabid raccoon on a subway. There may be some momentary entertainment value, but it's no longer so fun when it bites you on the leg. I haven't given up on this community, but I'm all too aware that it will never return to what it once was. That doesn't mean that what it can evolve into isn't as worthwhile, and I certainly plan to be here to help prod and poke it along. Somebody has to take the photos that document our history, after all.
Do you think that there should be a chat to talk with other guardians in the tower?
Bungie doesn't care.