The whalesongs remain unrustled.
Success is had.
One of few success stories.
Im only back to pick a bone with Bungie, I have put up with all the crap they have been giving us with these updates and been okay to "adapt" but finding out all of my threads are no longer accessible is too much. I am one of the few that made full use of this ridiculous tagging feature and for what? To have all my threads forever lost with little chance of being dug up again. A years worth of my posts, no everyone's posts that were tagged (not confirmed but I'm fairly certain) gone, poof. The only way this is acceptable is if the search function is more broken than usual at the moment and they plan to restore the tagged threads to their rightful place. Nobody messes with the whalesongs.
I just looked at #thefinalfrontier, that's really weird. I couldn't even find the post I was looking at it through...
And even if the posts were showing up, it appears that only ten results will ever show up. How could that ever work if you were searching a popular tag.