Please "like" this thread as well to keep us near the top. I greatly appreciate it.
We are currently full with our original TrollPatrol clan. So this is our 2nd clan run by the same person -
[b]clan name :[/b] Troll Patrol Guardians
clan motto :[/b] Gnomes = yummy in da tummy .
[b]clan tag[/b] [TROL]
clan description :[/b]
Cool, mellow clan that plays their best...but without all the anal-retentive nerdyness...which makes other clans feel more like work than play. Especially when running a raid.
It's a game, so were here to have fun....and still play at a high level.
Everybody welcomed....All classes. Men / Women... Humans and other.. Mature clan run by adults.
Once your a clan member, TrollPatrol will show up under your name while your playing online.
Being in a clan is required for certain Trophies and even Rewards when playing as a clan. I believe we get certain legendaries when beating the raid as a clan. (shaders and such)
AlwaysLiftedGuardians is recruiting now as a group soon to be Elite clan. We are dedicated to helping each other as a team as well as helping those outside of our clan not only in-game but on the forums too. Those who prove worthy will be promoted to admin fast. This is a clan for Elite gamers who like to help out and have fun while playing and also for newbs who need help from those Elite players!! Once established with enough members we will run regular scheduled raids, strikes, and team crucible matches. I know you hear the call to be great, answer it! requirements: Must be 16yrs or older Must have mic Must be active on Destiny Must be a team player ALG is excited to get things rolling so join today so we can have fun and all get to lvl 30 together. Even if you are a lvl 1 its ok, its easy to make a new class and go through the game again. i have no problem doing this to help lvl through the game with people.