Before I start I feel I should make it known that I downloaded Destiny during the launch week, and I've never stepped foot in a loot cave. I personally refuse to use exploits, but however you decide to have fun with your hard earned money is completely up to you.
Now... Bungie is shutting down loot caves as fast as they spring up. They do this because shooting at a dark cave for hours to collect rewards isn't how they imagined this 'masterpiece'. However, they do imagine you shooting at the same bosses for hours to collect rewards. Let me reiterate. Bungie see's destiny as a "place you visit" where you can shoot the same stupid bosses, in the same stupid faces for hours at a time for the possibility of getting a reward. If you die during one of these super fun gun fights, you start over.
When farming a loot cave, you still shoot in the same spot for hours at a time. Rewards are more frequent, and you don't need to start over if you happen to die. While playing Destiny last night with my buddy, I shared this thought. He actually said people were more social while shooting in a loot cave than in strike missions. I think bungie is being hypocritical and stubborn. However, this is not just me complaining. I may have a solution.
First. The only thing you should be shooting at during a boss fight is the boss. I know... you need weaker enemies for ammo, and what-not. Those bosses take a lot of damage. How about we have them drop ammo as you shoot them? Bungie wants you to play strike missions instead of shooting at a cave. Not only should the boss drop ammo, they should also drop rewards. This is why people flock to loot caves. People want loot, stupid! Give them what they want, and keep your vision for the game at the same time. Get rid of the frustration of the weaker enemies, let players focus on the bosses and collect loot all at the same time.
I personally think this would make for a much, more fun, and less frustrating experience. If you took the time to read this, and you agree. Please, please, please speak up. I bought this game because I trust Bungie to make a good game. But they need help with this one.
I understand what you're saying. My brother is playing this game on the XBOX ONE and he hardly get rewards such as rare or legendary engrams during strike missions. It is very frustrating specially after hours of play all he could show for is a legendary engram that turns into upgrade materials or rare equipment. They should fix the rewarding system this game currently has. Strike missions should be giving out better engrams during the strike missions depending on the difficulty of the mission and better rewards after defeating the bosses