4 leg engrams per day? Are you playing 18 hours or more per day? My last legendary drop was 3 days ago. Ive done 3x the weekly (exotic bounty), Nightfall, 3x the daily, 20 + strikes on lvl 24, atleast another 10 summoning pits for my bounties and several hours doing patrols. NOTHING! Not a single legendary engram. In addition I did atleast 2000 kills in the Dark beyond mission without anything. Same thing is reporting my friend that havent gotten shit. Getting blue top, but even from 3x Cryptard postage bonuses it got me only blues so even that gives me utter shit.
I think he must be exaggerating a bit on all that. . .
Well... a bit... lol
I play like all day and I've seen 2 legendary engrams since the patch. And one of them was an end game roll. 2-4 a day? Unless this guy is sacrificing his children to the rng gods there is no way.