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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
10/6/2014 11:15:36 AM
Ok so I'm gonna get up on my soap box for a moment. First: I like the game I like the story. It was clear cut and introduced the main story elements while also leaving some stuff open for later but it came to a good resolution that left it open for more similar to the ending of Halo: Combat Evolved. As for the aforementioned "stuff open for later" that's what it is. If Bungie fleshed out every bit of every character every enemy all the past in this game there would be nothing left to go on. Any sequels or DLC would be rehashing all the stuff we knew. Second: I am quite frankly over the "this should be free" "no we should have to pay" argument. I don't expect Bungie or any company for that matter to give away their hard work for free, and there is hard work in Destiny just look at the terrain and landscapes. Also paid DLC is the way of gaming now and do you know who's fault it is? Is it Bungie's? Activision? Microsoft? Sony? Bethesda? Bioware? No! It's yours, it's mine, it's that ten year old playing games he should be, and anyone who has ever paid for an expansion to a game. It happened the moment a company went "hey lets try this" and someone opened their wallet. So don't complain about DLC because we all caused it. Finally for those saying "their trying to squeeze all our money" and "they should give story add ons for free" well they just might. They have 2 announced DLCs and Bungie has said they have many new things ahead and the game hasn't even been out a month isn't it a bit to early to say they won't release free story content? That is it I am done. Remove my soap box.

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  • Church, it's been nearly 4 weeks since release, and Bungie has not delivered on any of their promises with Destiny, they said there would be 1000's of customization options, there would be a big story, there would be events you can jump into and fight these huge bosses with a ton of other players, I could honestly go on. Instead we have dialogue and I quote " I can't even explain why I don't have time to explain" or " I could tell you of a battle of the darkness, and of the traveler" But nothing... All of the cutscenes a mass to about 15 minutes if watched all at once, if that. What bungie failed to mention is that all of these things would not be delivered with the original game, that gamers would have to shell out an additional 35$ for the season pass, making this a 95$ game. Now you may be full of money, but for an incomplete game and empty promises. I petition that the DLC for the STORY should be free. You cannot argue otherwise because and I quote bungie " A lot of story was cut last minute" Because the head of this game left a some months before release. Stop going against the grain because your way of thinking is the minority buddy.

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  • If you thought you got any kind of story then I'm shocked but that's you're call even if I don't understand it. I am not asking for additional DLCs I'm asking for the story that was in the game before the cuts.

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  • Great point, honestly, this is the first and only game I have ever requested something like this... I feel ripped off, and I was given 1/4 the experience I was promised. I defended this game until I saw they were charging 35$ for the remainder of what we should've already had... It's crap. And they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it... Especially since they made their money selling upwards of 500 million$ worth within a week. So yes this is Absurd

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  • Things often get cut. Are you going to demand that the next Avengers film have no deleted scenes? And again isn't it too early to say we won't see them? They did say they had long term plans.

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  • Destiny was meant to be a story driven game, read the back of your case mate. Rich cinematic Storyline, that's not what anyone got. All I'm asking for is them to fix that as that's what we all bought. ME3 fixed the ending due to popular demand, Bungie should do the same.

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  • Wow your not getting are you they F@cked you over and you're bending over to take it. We all paid a lot for a beta, if that's okay with you then fine. Lay down on your soap box and take whatever Bungie and Activision want to do to you. However after few months don't complain that you've wasted a lot of money and still haven't got a full game.

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  • It's amazing how quick people are to judge something I'm not saying that they will add free content all I'm saying is have patience wait and see I'm willing to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt.

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