is it really that hard to read correctly the patch notes?????
patch only enhanced REWARDS. drop rates stay the same.
My experience is different sir,simply seem to have bad luck regarding rewards. Received two legendary gun anagrams,cryptic rewarded me with two rare i already had. Patch has made no difference,leastways with me.
Is it really that hard to comprhend what the OP is saying. he never said anything about the chances for drops being buffed. He said that in a level 24 strike, in the spawn restricted zone, the chances are higher than in the normal zones. It's been like that since launch. So yeah you're right, drops rates stayed the same, they stayed higher in the spawn restricted zone. Otherwise the OP is saying why dypass everything to get to the boss for a 1 in whatever chance of loot when you can kill everything for 100 chances at loot.