originally posted in:IGN
Need help with weekly heroic, weekly nightfall, strike teams. Add me up please agent1207 or leave your psn here. I wanna do vog as well, but i havent done it at all. So if any of you guys could help me out it would be much appreciated
add timmy_turdlips
Ps4 cheese_whistle up for everything
Anyone interested on doing weekly heroic/nightfall? I need help getting it done. Add me up agent1207
PSN: ASOTHardwell, level 26 hunter, also new to psn, and only had game about a week. I'll be down for anything really, still need nightfall strike and level 26/28 weekly strikes. vog would also be nice but no experience either
I need help with weekly heroic, add me up please if you can. Agent1207 on ps4 please
Anyone got a party for iron banner?
Need another player for the weekly nightfall, add me up in ps4 agent1207 if anyone is up for it
Add me up Velane12
Does Xbox one work
PSN ; Icingdeathx add for weeklys and dailies
Psn : X_i2aptoi2_X
[quote]Need help with weekly heroic, weekly nightfall, strike teams. Add me up please agent1207 or leave your psn here.[/quote] psn: saute23
PSN: Datloud45. Add me for dailys and weeklys
Added. Bump!
Psn- Owzojozo
Looking for a few people to play with as well. PSN: JustShootIt 21-Titan/ leveling hunter&warlock