No one said that? You just invented a side to this argument to shoehorn in ur own. Leave if you dont like how your TEAM is playing
again, reading comprehension does wonders. plenty people are talking about that very thing in here. you should read the entire topic, before you try to squeeze your opinion in?
Read to the point you replied. Be more clear and succinct dude
yea I did? I have comprehension, sir. that man was telling the OP to go do patrol if he didn't like it, hence, he was telling him to get lost or play "our" way. And on a side note, me telling you that I will sit if you run, is still not telling you how to play is it?
For somone who has comprehension, you dont seem to comprehend that sitting is forcing somone to adhere to your playstyle, the very thing you are crying about
Just leave. Why sit
why should I be forced out because I wont adhere to you? go ask your parents what they did to protest things they thought were wrong. if you want to not play as a team and receive your instant gratification, then I will also hinder the team. my style has nothing to do with forcing into something you were not already doing by yourself by acting a hero and running ahead.
Because its easier to leave, no one needs you to rosa parks video games, and you are the one with the issue. If you went to a party with drugs, would you yelk at everyone to quit, join them,or leave
your incoherent response made me laugh. leaving is not the easy route. I am sure you would like that, but it will not happen. I will just mirror your actions and put further encumbrance on the fireteam, instead of trying to talk sense to the senseless.
Ha use that famous comprehension jr. I used rosa parks as a verb
And again use your comprehension lol. I said I am the type of player who adheres to the needs and desires of my team, because I dont care and can adapt to anything, not a 12 year old crybaby
are you not arguing with a 12 year old crybaby right now?
Sure I am. I was pooping. Re read the sentences man you really arent getting it. Good luck with puberty im sure it wont be kind..done pooping done talking
ah, resorted back to the infamous calling people who outwit you a kid huh? congrats!!! you win the hipster of the year award.
I shut down your every point that you yourself didnt contradict, you failed to understand my every point, joke, or even the concession I made by saying im only playing devil's advocate and arguing for the sake of doing it, I dont play like either of you
right..... you failed to understand the main reply that I gave to this topic, so anything after that was just for my amusement. you shut down nothing. your points were based off mine, and you had nothing new to add but a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. read my other posts within this topic, I have not once contradicted my self while staying on topic.
You admonished people for wanting you to conform to thier playstyle in the same sentence that you demanded they adhere to yours. That was your initial reply and your entire argument and personality are flawed
oh boy. are you really that dense, or just trolling? Me sitting is not commanding anyone to adhere to my play style, it is a solution to a problem, without me removing myself from what is my right to do as a paying customer. it is your right as a paying customer, to in fact, clear the instance as fast as you want. but, in doing so you are requiring me to fight through all the enemies that you left behind, and are in fact hurting my chances of clearing said content and hurting my chances at the loot that was giving to me by accepting to enter this content. as you could kill the boss(yea right) and FORCE me out via timer. Me sitting has no effect on you, if your soul purpose was to advance by your self and go all king kong on the boss.
It raises the difficulty of the enimies and you get credit for not participating. Thats worse than wanting to get done fast and skip the guys who have limited value. And you skirted the fact that sitting and running are polar opposites, therefore ideologically identical from a gameplay point of view
I am not arguing the fact you get rewarded for not participating. do I think that is wrong? yes I do. how can you possibly state what value said mobs have? there could very well be 5 purples waiting within those "limited" value mobs, that you made me forfeit because you did not understand co-op mechanics.I cannot fathom how you could justify, pretty much "robbing" people of the ability to earn drops within a instance, just because you say they are "limited value". you totally avoided everything I wrote and added further bulk to a simplistic answer.
There are different modes of the game <lanes> for different purposes patrol is for mobs. If I have an hour to finish my weekly marks, im running because that is my goal and it doesnt have to hinder yours. Sitting is the worst for everyone, you even rob yourself of the playtime. Go back to the cave of wonders and shoot at a hole for 10 hours
and now you pretty much just killed your argument. patrol is a free roam mode, meant for just that. that does not mean all who enter a instance must quit and go patrol, just because they want to do what was intended in the first place and kill enemies. there may be different lanes, but the end goal of the game is the same, kill shit, and you are doing the exact opposite of that, when you barrel through content. You just re-worded what the first tool bag said. could have saved yourself a bunch of time by simple replying with "I agree".
How does elaborating the point kill it? Sitting is worse because it robs everyone of the experience
the same could be said about you robbing my drops. you tip toe around my examples and place your own over top of them. you have yet to rebuttal my existing claim.
I said there are places to go and peoole to join if you want drops. If you are unlucky enough to be placed with 2 runners, they should have the option to vote you out for any reason <especially sitting> sitting and mooching off the system while otgers work is why communism failed
"I said there are places to go and peoole to join if you want drops. " again with the rewording what another said. you are forcing me to do something that I do not want to do, by telling me to go somewhere else. how many different ways do I have to say the same thing to you?