Okay, I know you're proud of your game, but I think you should have a destiny shirt, just the basic logo, and on the back rather than have "bungie" it should say "Become Legend" or some form of shirt that references become legend.
As I type this, I'm wearing my halo 3 logo shirt with finish the fight on the back. Perfect shirt (even though the fight still isn't finished, thanks 343 -.-)
I know I could throw together my own shirt no problem on any of a number of websites, but it just seems like something bungie should have, ya know? Like they were all about "become legend" but all their stuff just has the bungie logo on it. Don't get me wrong, I love bungie, but I'd rather have something relating to the game, not the company.
Become a horderer
Cafe press.com they custom make shirts so either they have the logo or you just grab one and put it on a shirt!
I've seen a few sites that make awesome destiny shirts. Go out on Google and check them out.
It should say 'Destiny' on the front with the logo and your username on the back. That would be sweet as hell