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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
10/6/2014 8:22:16 PM
Reread the original post. We don't want free expansion packs; rather we want free DLC that was stripped from the core game play or it wasn't made for whatever reason, which, in turn, made the story pathetic.

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  • Expansion packs ARE DLC! Calling them a different name doesn't change that. Every AAA title in the last 3 years does DLC. Sick of listening to people bitch about lack of content. No one complains when they beat Uncharted completely in 2 days. No one complains that Last of Us can be beaten in a single afternoon on Grounded mode. But because Destiny dares ask you to repeat missions on a harder difficulty, it's a terrible game and not worth the money, even tho I'm sure half the people complaining probably already logged over 100 hours in a 60 dollar game. To me, you're getting your money worth anytime a game crosses that magic 100 hour barrier.

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  • [quote]Expansion packs ARE DLC! Calling them a different name doesn't change that. Every AAA title in the last 3 years does DLC. Sick of listening to people bitch about lack of content. No one complains when they beat Uncharted completely in 2 days. No one complains that Last of Us can be beaten in a single afternoon on Grounded mode. But because Destiny dares ask you to repeat missions on a harder difficulty, it's a terrible game and not worth the money, even tho I'm sure half the people complaining probably already logged over 100 hours in a 60 dollar game. To me, you're getting your money worth anytime a game crosses that magic 100 hour barrier.[/quote] DLC is content made thereafter and is content that EXPANDS upon the core game in a myriad of facets, including the story. This game has a completely pathetic story and they know it. We want that "epic story" we were promised.

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  • They said many time during and after E3 and leading up to release that this "epic story" is supposed to be YOUR story and MY story unique to each individual. To do that you need a fairly loose narrative. How about Elder Scrolls? Or Fallout? Both critically acclaimed games and loved for the lore of the universes but most of the lore is found by exploring the game world and doing side quests some of which can be incredibly difficult to find. Meanwhile the main story is rather simple with no real depth and pretty short if you burn straight through it.

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  • Dude, that's a cop out. An epic story is one that is created for us to dive into, not have an open world and "make our own" - which how can we adequately do with the lack of social functions and communication? We deserve an enhanced story. There is no clarity or depth to the current story, and it could be so much more.

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  • So you didn't listen to what was actually said and read what was actually written and now you're upset? If you ran a red light and totalled your car would you blame the other driver?

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  • Poor analogy. I did watch clips and literature on the game, but this is beyond unacceptable. We were promised an enriched, engrossing story, but it is all in the grimoire cards (which can't even be accessed in game). For an open game like GTA where it is the modern world, fine. Make your own story or whatever. A sci-fi FPS with MMO elements? Too obscure. I'm GTA you can reason why a cop if chasing after you or why a cartel is after you; in Destiny there is NO Clues for many mysteries. Where did all of the races actually come from? We get brief explanations but no real story. A game titled "Destiny" should have a rich storyline. Bungie, due to their past, is held to a higher standard. And if we were to forge our own story, why is there a story at all? I mean, there is one, but is just completely lackluster and incomplete and superficial. I could write a better story in a day. There is so much beauty in Destiny and so much to offer, but they didn't go for it. We've all seen how much content has been cut thus far. Why defend Bungie in such a manner? I like the dev, I like the game, but I think anyone in their right mind understands that this game had the potential to be so much more right off of the bat.

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  • Alright if it's so easy to write a story that you "could write a better one in a day" then do it tomorrow I expect to see a story more in depth as a response to this or a link to your forum post with one on here this time tomorrow. 24 hrs go.

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  • That's your retort? Just admit that we deserve more. Also, they had a huge budget. The fact that the story is this poor is pathetic.

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  • Yes it is you are the one who said you could write something better in a day so do it the clock is ticking. Time to nut up or shut up. Unless you can't do it, because believe me writing is far more difficult than you would think.

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  • I know writing can be quite difficult, but they had the budget to hire the best and the gameplay to back it up. They should've embellished on everything. Go into racrs, go into classes, go into details about factions and Crucible, go into side stories for NPCs, find NPCs on the other locations to assist with needs, go into the past as to what exactly has happened, go more in depth about the speculation of the Traveler and what it does there (not necessarily an answer, but elaborate speculation), more story about the enemies, some information about resources, more depth to public events and why they occur, more information about the Queen and her brother, more about these bosses (why do they exist? Where do they rank in their respective race's hierarchy?), more about the vast dungeons, more about the space ships that are nothing but aesthetics for loading screens, more information about how the Guardians acquired their powers and how they've been being used while you were unconscious, where Ghosts came from, and so on. Christ, there is literally a library of books in a section of the tower. How come we can't go into the city below the Tower? What is stopping the enemies from getting into the Tower exactly? How does the Traveler protect us? Who even built the Tower? A story about how mankind was almost wiped clean off of the Earth, but was resilient in their valiant efforts to conjure enough strength to forge what we now know is the Tower and to fight back the forces under the power of the Traveler would have been nice. I'd like to see wars being waged from the top of the tower. It'd be cool if even randomly and rarely an enemy boss could sneak in somehow and you'd have to fight them off to ensure the safety of the Tower (say the enemy had some sort of special shield created from incredibly rare elements or something). There is no depth, there is no emotional connection to your characters, nor any NPCs. At least I would laugh from the Claptrap in Borderlands. In Final Fantasy XI I felt attached to my player as I progressed through the story. Halo? Attached. There was personality. There was color to these games. Stop excusing it and embrace the fact that they fell short. Writing can be hard, but when you've got a half of a billion dollar budget you can find some good writers. Pay them 5 million in total (say, 5 collaborative writers at 1 million each for a few years of work) and that's a drop in the bucket for the budget. More people would hear of the wonders of the storyline for Destiny and buy into the game rather than sit idle snd read the complaints.

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  • Ok so one of the greatest films of all time Star Wars guves you very little actual information on the universe in the first movie. I for one was happy my Titan has a story. His name is Logan Church he died long ago during the Golden Age. He was awakened by his Ghost (who he calls Robert) and taken to the Tower. After doing some small missions to get himself a more workable ship to better fight the Darkness. While doing this he discovered a Hive presence on earth that had been investigated by a previous guardian. He and a small band of fellow guardians followed this previous guardian's trail and were contacted by an unknown entity. After fulfilling the missi ok n and destroying the swordnof croata they ventured to Venus and met the mysterious contact who revealed a plot to destroy the traveler. He went to the Rift for help but was met only with distain. He was asked to complete a task believed to be impossible and succeded in stealing the gatelord's eye. He then gained the respect of the Awoken queen but not her brother. They gave the team the information they needed and they left for Mars. Atter recharging the gatelords eye they were able to venture into the Black Garden and destroy the heart of the Vex. They then returned to Earth and while the Speaker gave an eloquent speech Logan was greeted by the Stranger. She told him there was still much to be done and then left without even giving him so much as her name. However she left him one thing: her rifle. Logan continues to fight the darkness both alone and with friends. One day he may learn more about the traveler and the golden age and the fall but for now he focuses on pushing back the darkness and saving humanity.

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  • Or is that not enough story?

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  • I know it's a weak answer, but the grimoire cards actually have a kick ass group of side stories. Why they're not included can only mean that they are going to string it out as long as possible. I ALSO expected far more story in the launch, but I think I'm willing to wait. I can only believe that bungie and Activision have to know about the terrible reception to their story. They are now forced to expound on the story in the next Expansion otherwise people will lose their mind. Then we'll probably leave. Once you give me Nooo incentive to progress, I'm out. GTA online drove me away in a month because they literally gave me NOTHING left to work for. And still no heists! Loool Destiny already is giving me a lot more to work towards. 3 characters means a lot of work to get fully upgraded. Is it repetitive? Yes. But this game makes me really want to get better stuff, Just to keep up with my friends. If bungie doesn't bring more story within the next year tho, then likely we'll mostly lose interest. Unless you love the Crucible.

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  • They are written well, but you can't even see those in game. And that doesn't substitute for an in game story with cinematics and such.

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  • Agreed no doubt. An in-game grimoire is a gross oversite

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  • Saying that during load screens you can read the grimoire on you tablet. I quite enjoy it just like Halo books. Why would I want to read on my TV anyway?

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  • Why would I want to open a separate application on another device? Waste of time

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  • Why? It costs me nothing and reading a TV screen sucks but a tablets easier on the eyes and more comfortable to read. Also the tower maps on it and what bounties are available as well as other things like these forums.

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