Please "like" this thread as well to keep us near the top. I greatly appreciate it.
We are currently full with our original TrollPatrol clan. So this is our 2nd clan run by the same person -
[b]clan name :[/b] Troll Patrol Guardians
clan motto :[/b] Gnomes = yummy in da tummy .
[b]clan tag[/b] [TROL]
clan description :[/b]
Cool, mellow clan that plays their best...but without all the anal-retentive nerdyness...which makes other clans feel more like work than play. Especially when running a raid.
It's a game, so were here to have fun....and still play at a high level.
Everybody welcomed....All classes. Men / Women... Humans and other.. Mature clan run by adults.
Once your a clan member, TrollPatrol will show up under your name while your playing online.
Being in a clan is required for certain Trophies and even Rewards when playing as a clan. I believe we get certain legendaries when beating the raid as a clan. (shaders and such)
PS4: SourishWhale I have a 28 Hunter with maxed out Suros and also Praedyths revenge. I like to snipe bosses and have completed the raid a few times now. I only really run VoG, Nightfall, Weekly and Daily on max levels with the hunter at the moment as they are the most fun for me! Am nearly ready with a Titan Defender also. Level 26 but probably boost it up very shortly to 28. Ready to provide cover for my comrades in PVE raids etc. I'm either top or second whenever I play crucible. But am enjoying the raids more lately. Anybody with a high level character and a good attitude, feel free to add me. I also have some quality mates already to bring along too. The more the merrier (no low level players please) Cheers lads/ladies, SourishWhale (PS4)