for the most part, the titan is pve focused but in the pvp he does have some less than skilled attacks such as shoulder charging people or the panic striker.....
2 defenders with weapons of light + 1 sunsinger with team ability restores in PvE = countless orbs which means nonstop supers. This is crucial to making nightfall and other strikes near effortless.
Edited by Sylentknite: 10/7/2014 9:55:10 PMWhy do people call it panic striker? Warlocks do the same thing with their super when cornered but they don't call it panic bomb. And the shoulder charge in fact takes skill. When it activates your cornering is severely hindered which means you have to have a clear line of sight to use it. Not only that but it also takes timing. If you sprint for too short of time it won't activate and you end up using a regular melee which then puts you in a bad position. But if you run for too long you lose the ability and it doesn't activate and again you find yourself in a bad situation