Hey guys, just creating this thread for those of you who wish you find a team for VoG on [u]Xbox One ONLY[/u] as there is also one for the PS4 somewhere on the forums :)
Post Lvl & GT below, enjoy guys!
[I'm always down for doing the raid, even if i've already done it within the week so [b]any[/b] of those who need help whether you are first time started or experienced hard mode raiders, i'm an additional member you could add to your team :)
[b]GT - JHarrison 95 ------ Lvl 29 Hunter ------[/b]
Edit: Holy crap guys! 200,000 replies! I'm glad this has helped you all and hope it has created a few new fresh raid teams during the process!
You guys are [b]AWESOME![/b]
Keep it up Guardians!
29 warlock self res I'm very good at VOG!!!! Maxed ghorn and icebreaker Got 2 32 characters Looking to join at ATHEON or oracles GT: Booozed
Looking to join any raid group Lvl 30 hunter Gamertag: chrisdawg117
Looking for 4 people ready now for vault of glass just tell me your gamertag
Edited by grandpahob: 1/14/2015 4:31:28 PMLvl 31 looking for atheon gatekeeper gorgon or Templar checkpoint (anything past confluxes)
Lvl 28..VoG..need 3 more. Message me...tweaky25
Lv29 Titan at gatekeeper cp in hard VoG. Looking for 3, GT same as above
Level 32 Titan looking for Oracles/Templar/Atheon CP. GT same as name. Invite if you need an experienced raider.
Looking to Join at any crota CP, level 31 Huntet with maxed GHorn, black hammer and icebreaker. Want a good team for quick easy run through. Invite gamertag: Grim Rockets
Edited by JadedDark: 1/14/2015 2:35:19 PMLvl 31 Titan with aetheon cp on Hard. If anyone wants to finish him just msg JadedDark
lvl 31 Titan looking for anyone running the VoG on hard. Just msg JadedDark
Looking for 1 more person for oracles on hard. GT: justcuzman
VOG HARD LEVEL 32 warlock zR SMIFFY v8 need 2 full runs
Crotas end deathsinger cp NEED ONE MORE Message YoungbloodDC4L on xb1 for invite
Lvl 30 titan lookin for templar or gorgon cp gt gamer violator
Need a whole team for vog hard that know what there doing 2 level 32s
Need 4 fresh vog normal xbone msg LtS SniperElite
Lvl 30 Titan w hard light & full hunger of crota Looking for team for crotas end I HAVE DEATHSINGER CHECKPOINT Gamertag- YoungbloodDC4L Inv me lets kill do this
I'm a lvl 30 hunter and my friend is a lvl 28 warlock trying to do Croats end or vault of glass
30 Hunter, looking for fresh crota start. This is one of my alts, I'm experianced GT: Maraawr
32 Titan with Crota cp, gt above ^ Dont invite me unless you know how to do crota im not interested in 12 year olds dribbling sh*t Mature age invites only plz
Level 30 hunter gt- I M ZACK 13 have another friend that's 31 need teamates
Need 4 31+ for Crota. Trying to do this fast Must have Ghorn and experience with Crota fight. No 1st timers please. Message Midnighttoker85 on live for invite.
Looking for 3 more people for VoG normal fresh start. Message co66in in game for invite.
Need one 32 for crota cp , message themanondacouch for invite
Lvl 30 Titan w hard light & full hunger of crota Looking for team for deathsinger or crota cp Gamertag- YoungbloodDC4L Inv me lets kill do this
Looking for crotas end full clear level 30 hunter gt is TEAMFRIZZY