Hey guys, just creating this thread for those of you who wish you find a team for VoG on [u]Xbox One ONLY[/u] as there is also one for the PS4 somewhere on the forums :)
Post Lvl & GT below, enjoy guys!
[I'm always down for doing the raid, even if i've already done it within the week so [b]any[/b] of those who need help whether you are first time started or experienced hard mode raiders, i'm an additional member you could add to your team :)
[b]GT - JHarrison 95 ------ Lvl 29 Hunter ------[/b]
Edit: Holy crap guys! 200,000 replies! I'm glad this has helped you all and hope it has created a few new fresh raid teams during the process!
You guys are [b]AWESOME![/b]
Keep it up Guardians!
Lvl 29 hunter , ready and willing to play
Level 30 warlock xGRxCypress
Looking for crotas end team normal. Gamertag- YoungbloodDC4L Lvl 28 titan
Lf atheon cp hard lv 30 with experience ghorn and mic
Vault of glass from start to finish need 2 more message me if interested level 27+
Lvl 29 titan Lfg to gatekeeper checkpoint gamertag same his name
Add knocka007 Titan Lvl 26 one more upgrade till 27 Fresh if possible
I really need to do the raid :/ lvl 31 warlocks and lvl 31 hunter. Crota raid. Xb1 GT: SMOKOHANTAS can anyone please help me.
Need 5 for fresh run Hard VOG message for invite. Gt: Omg im ironman
31 Hunter looking for atheon checkpoint HARD GT - Archangel Greg
have hard gatekeeper cp. msg me if you want in.
Looking to do any raid lv 31 hunter or 30 Titan GT Ani kan 10
Need four more for hard Atheon checkpoint. Xb1. Msg Dr Wanky Bottom for an invite
Looking for a VOG team to join level 26 warlock levelling up other character down VOG loads of times invite me
Hard vog last boss need 1 with galljahorn or solar weapons gt funchy16
Level 32 looking for Atheons checkpoint. Send me a game invite let's knock him out quick
Level 31 Hunter Looking to do Crota's End from beginning. Don't have mic but have experience Gt is Gunax332
GT:kinglochness LF for 3 Guardians to CHEESE crota msg me a YO mama joke for invite Looking to do this fast
32h, happy to help teams defeat Crota. I'll take the role as the swordbearer. Inv Rose Golden. [u]Legit only.[/u]
32h, happy to help teams defeat Crota. I'll take the role as the swordbearer. Inv Rose Golden. [u]Legit only.[/u]
Lfg for vault
I have Atheon cp on normal need 4 exp. players asap for quick run message on Xbox live for invite
Need two more for gatekeeper lvl 30+
I am a level 27 warlock looking for a quick run from the start.. I know what to do with maxed guns but I am a very low level.. Will help with my hunter if someone needs it after GT: iidizzy nicii
Lvl 31 hunter looking to do fresh start legit or cheese doesn't matter an I can be a sword bear at crota only ppl with exp please message or inv gt:el eb0la #xb1
[Xbox One] VoG or CE WARLOCK LVL - 32 Looking for a team Msg me : MsUP Kovac If you are running Crota inv me only if you are doing it legit