Hey guys, just creating this thread for those of you who wish you find a team for VoG on [u]Xbox One ONLY[/u] as there is also one for the PS4 somewhere on the forums :)
Post Lvl & GT below, enjoy guys!
[I'm always down for doing the raid, even if i've already done it within the week so [b]any[/b] of those who need help whether you are first time started or experienced hard mode raiders, i'm an additional member you could add to your team :)
[b]GT - JHarrison 95 ------ Lvl 29 Hunter ------[/b]
Edit: Holy crap guys! 200,000 replies! I'm glad this has helped you all and hope it has created a few new fresh raid teams during the process!
You guys are [b]AWESOME![/b]
Keep it up Guardians!
Need 3 more for VoG fresh run on hard. Msg: inmansfault
Have 5. Need one with oracles or Templar CP on hard. Message GT ex2049.
Need 3 for fresh VoG hard mode run GT Twenty Bucks
Have hard Atheon checkpoint. Experience player . Need a team. We need three people. No noobs. Message me on Xbox live. Gamertag: DOA Catwoman
Have hard Atheon checkpoint. Experience player . Need a team. We need three people. No noobs. Message me on Xbox live. Gamertag: DOA Catwoman
Need 2, on deathsinger cp Message me via XBL or post here
Looking for 4 to join crota raid at bridge checkpoint msg gt Mankie138
I'm a level 27 warlock looking to start from the start so I can get the legendary chests also to get more gear I have done VOG before and completed it but I did it from the last checkpoint I want to do this with mostly level 31-32s but any level 27+ and I do want to do this with 6 people.
Look ing for people to do hard vog atheon cp
Lvl 31 looking for oracle or Templar gt above invite me
3 young handsome men looking for good time on oracles. No aids. Gt [b]obguyno[/b]
32 Titan looking to help out some scrubs. Max gala and ice breaka. Doesn't matter what part you are at even fresh start just killing time.
Level 31 Hunter Looking for a speedy fresh VOG
Atheon cp on norm need four username is gtag MESSAGE ON XBX1 for invite
Looking for fresh start or atheon checkpoint. Vault of glass hard mode (xbox one). 4 spots left!
Lvl 31 looking for hard Templar gt above invite me
Level 31 warlock with 331 gjallarhorn and 331 black hammer looking for oracle cp or fresh start
I need five experienced players for the templar cp (hard vog) message park85101 for inv
Need four, crota fresh Start
Need 4 more for templar cp - message me on xbox for an invite - Bellamyys
Level 32 warlock looking for team at templar. I can solo the relic for you. Send me an invite - Bellamyys
Lvl 31 warlock xb1 looking to do crota
Edited by Big Grim92: 1/6/2015 2:20:54 AM1 32 and 2 31s looking for 2 31s for vog hard fresh run. Big Grim92
Does anybody have a oracle CP i can have? Please msg me on xbl GT:ActorTomCruise
Jiggafab Lvl 31 Lookin to do vog Send invite
Need 1 more for hard Atheon, 30+. Message SwiftBunny89922.