Hey guys, just creating this thread for those of you who wish you find a team for VoG on [u]Xbox One ONLY[/u] as there is also one for the PS4 somewhere on the forums :)
Post Lvl & GT below, enjoy guys!
[I'm always down for doing the raid, even if i've already done it within the week so [b]any[/b] of those who need help whether you are first time started or experienced hard mode raiders, i'm an additional member you could add to your team :)
[b]GT - JHarrison 95 ------ Lvl 29 Hunter ------[/b]
Edit: Holy crap guys! 200,000 replies! I'm glad this has helped you all and hope it has created a few new fresh raid teams during the process!
You guys are [b]AWESOME![/b]
Keep it up Guardians!
Looking for two more people for VOG hard Athlon cp
Lvl 31 crota cp GT Nimer24King
Need one atheon checkpoint level 31 or 30 29 is a possible with maxed fire weapons message ezdoesit170
31 Hunter Looking for an Oracle/Templar CP on hard. Will stay for whole raid. Have 3 people.
Need 2 vog
I'm a Level 30 Hunter Fully Maxed out Gunslinger and Bladedancer I have Plan C, Bad Juju,Dragons Breath, Two To The Morgue, and the Badger CCL I'm looking for staid group that has either the Atheon save on hard or the Crota save on Normal I'm on Xbox one My gamer tag= TheJackyll jr 10
Lvl 31 warlock LFG Crota's end Xbox one GT is name Invite me
Lvl 31 warlock with Crota Cp LFG Crota's end Xbox one GT is name Invite me
31 warlock Looking for Oracle cp or fresh start Gt: SanelyDead
looking to do the full raid from start, I'm a Lvl 31 Warlock with fully upgraded Ice Breaker and Gjallarhorn H.M.U ? GT: Surreal2000
need 4 people for fresh vog normal raid msg: EAGLE DA S7AR
Xbox one I hope this isn't out of place but if you have the Toland's legacy bounty and you want to keep completing the heroic with me leave your gt below
Message jtimeho
Xbox one I hope this isn't out of place but if you have the Toland's legacy bounty and want to keep completing the heroic with me leave your gt below
Lvl 31 hunter looking for aetheon hard cp gt same as here
Level 30 Titan East Coast hours usually on nightly after 6pm would really like to get in the end game content Add / Premo44 Thanks
Need 3 for VoG Oracle cp. Big Grim92
I have a 31titan, 30warlock,and a 31hunter and maxed weapons looking for fresh run pls send a invt gt aka dragon
Looking for fresh run on normal lvl 31 Titan Gamer tag: oh Roger that
Looking to do vog on hard fresh start you must me lv31+ leave your gt below invite TheBestAround4 if you have an Oracle checkpoint on hard
Look for fresh run for VOG. Xbox One GT Lethal Swerve
Need 4 more for gatekeep cp hard. Message gt: Nexus Vy for inv
Looking to do vog on hard oracles you must be lv30+ leave your gt below I have the cp
32 warlock looking for VoG hard from fresh or oracle cp. GT is same as name - message/inv if you need me
Anyone happen to have gorgon maze cp on hard mode xbone?? Msg me please! Tutu TLTF4I
Looking to do vog on hard fresh start you must me lv31+ leave your gt below invite TheBestAround4 if you have an Oracle checkpoint on hard