Hey guys, just creating this thread for those of you who wish you find a team for VoG on [u]Xbox One ONLY[/u] as there is also one for the PS4 somewhere on the forums :)
Post Lvl & GT below, enjoy guys!
[I'm always down for doing the raid, even if i've already done it within the week so [b]any[/b] of those who need help whether you are first time started or experienced hard mode raiders, i'm an additional member you could add to your team :)
[b]GT - JHarrison 95 ------ Lvl 29 Hunter ------[/b]
Edit: Holy crap guys! 200,000 replies! I'm glad this has helped you all and hope it has created a few new fresh raid teams during the process!
You guys are [b]AWESOME![/b]
Keep it up Guardians!
Need 4 more Lvl 31s to do a Fresh Start on VoG on Hard, please send a message to my GT for an invite, my GT is: NotEvenJauuuwn
Lvl 29 & lvl 28 hunter starting normal VOG, looking to do quick run GT: zburns11
Im a level 31 warlock have atheon hard checkpoint looking to knock tbis out quick. I need people in here currently by myself lots of experience. Message or notify here GT is same as name.
Need 4 31 for 3 fresh Crota raid runs msg GT W ii c K ii D if you want in....
Level 31 Titan looking for Crota Checkpoint or I have a deathsinger checkpoint
*Warning* Xbox One Only!!!!!!! Join bungie.com/en/Clan/About/688672 New clan called <Life After Level Cap> helping people get geared in raids and doing crucible if you want! We will do heroic strikes and it will appear on your tag in game! Need more people to start a team and if you join it appears in game!
31 lock for VoG hard, oracle Templar or fresh. Maxed weapons, inv me
31 warlock looking for atheon (hard) or nightfall/weekly
Need 4 more for gatekeeper cp (hard) 30 warlock and 30 hunter GT above
Lvl 31 need to do atheon on hard. Invite me SilverStarJS10
[b]XBOX CLAN:[/b] Are you level 30? Do you know every raid/strike like the back of your hand? Then you need to join [b][u][i]Raid Companion[/i][/u][/b] we are a new clan with high standards. Fly safe Guardians. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/685098
Lvl 30 warlock looking for fresh crota start. Hmu. Gt Conbruuh
Gt xxhapgxx hunter 30 and warlock 31 looking atheon cp or need 4 to do gatekeeper now
Level 30 warlock with gjallarhorn ready to do a fresh crota run
Lvl 31 warlock looking for VOG hard mode Gt: iam kungfumatt
3 for Krotas end fresh raid, must be 30+, and mic XBOX ONE
Need oracle or Templar cp MSG if you have it
Need 1 more for atheons cp. Normal. Message me gt above
Need one more for gatekeeper lv 30 and up
Need 1 more for VOG hard fresh. Xbox one Gt- Fox That Trot
Need two for atheon cp on hard 30+
Lvl 31 wl looking to kill aetheon on hard. I don't have CP so invite me SilverStarJS10
29 lock max vog chris macleod
2 level 31's looking to start at hard oracle. Send invite to jonnymax34
Edited by Irrelevant: 12/23/2014 6:39:31 AMLvl 30 Sunsinger (Not Experienced) looking for any part of the Crota raid. I would be very grateful if a team could pick me up. Gamertag same as user XBOX ONE
Looking for team to run fresh crotas raid before reset gt: eXpecT DEmoN hit me up