Hey guys, just creating this thread for those of you who wish you find a team for VoG on [u]Xbox One ONLY[/u] as there is also one for the PS4 somewhere on the forums :)
Post Lvl & GT below, enjoy guys!
[I'm always down for doing the raid, even if i've already done it within the week so [b]any[/b] of those who need help whether you are first time started or experienced hard mode raiders, i'm an additional member you could add to your team :)
[b]GT - JHarrison 95 ------ Lvl 29 Hunter ------[/b]
Edit: Holy crap guys! 200,000 replies! I'm glad this has helped you all and hope it has created a few new fresh raid teams during the process!
You guys are [b]AWESOME![/b]
Keep it up Guardians!
Lvl 31 hunter 331 gjallarhorn 331 black hammer, GT DiSSiZitx
I have hard atheon cp Gt machoo1996 I need 5 people 30 upwards
Level 30 Titan GT: PanzersUnleash
Looking for hard oracle checkpoint. Experience player . Need a team. Let me know asap. Message me on Xbox live. I will only join if you message me first. Gamer tag: DOA Catwoman.
Lvl 30 Titan with experience
LvL 28 worlock Looking for 5 people to do the raid on normal it's my first time doing it so I'm looking for people who have done it before or knows what there doing I'll listen to you. gamer tag HappenedTa 0
Looking to do crotas end lvl 30 titan xbox one invite my gamertag is the same
have atheon cp need 5 level 30s or higher o do leave gt below
Lvl 31 warlock Looking for oracle or atheon cp on hard Gt bigpapaortiz
Level 31 warlock looking to join at hard mode atheon. Have gjallarhorn and maxed raid weapons. Invite LukeTheDooks17
Lvl 30 hunter looking to do VOG on hard on Xbox one gt NEWBY BRO
31 hunter and 2 30 hunters (one is almost 31 and has almost full crota gear) 2 are experienced. Need 3 experienced for fresh CROTA run Gt is "wahck"
30 Hunter looking to do Crotas End raid
Looking to join a raid I'm a lvl 30 titan gamertag pappa midnight
Looking for fresh vog normal raid. Message at muddywatas LvL 30 warlock
2 level 31's looking for a crota checkpoint and fireteam to cheese. We are both experienced and know how to cheese very easily. Done it twice already. Send me a message over Xbox or invite me
Looking to join in a raid doesn't matter which one lol 30 warlock Gamer tag macNstyle420
Hello folks! Level 29 Hunter here looking to complete fresh VoG on normal. Message LadyMortem for the invite! :) We need 4 more people.
Lf CE fresh or from swordbearer bridge, lvl 31 titan inv me, gt is name.
Looking for level 30+ fresh run vog. Have two level 31 Titans. Must be experienced. Msg me for invite. Need 1 more Gamertag: Niplerr
Lv 31 Hunter looking for fresh start in hard VoG with 30s+ please. GT: JetAventador
Looking to do vog from atheon invite me I'm lvl 28 warlock with mic. Gt. Stutrublue21
2 lvl 30 titans looking to do vog normal or hard message bebop10
30 hunter/ 27 warlock lf fresh start vog
Looking for level 30+ fresh run vog. Have two level 31 Titans. Must be experienced. Msg me for invite Gamertag: Niplerr
Lv 27 gt CaptainAyy